Friday, October 18, 2013

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The Citrix report "Workplace of the Future", which is based on data from 1,900 IT decision-makers, it means the future in 2020. Then expect Citrix to a third of office work will be done elsewhere than at the office. Future office seems to reflect this. Today, there are an average of 0.8 per desks of knowledge workers - in 2020 there will be 0.7. And the company today offers mobile working has 15 percent fewer desks than those who do not. Almost all companies in the study looks at changes in the office environment. 64 percent would like to work more inspiring and collaborative, and almost as many (61 percent) want to move towards a more flexible office with less fixed workstations. The most common reason that supports mobile working is that employees request it. Almost as common is that the staff started to work that way on his own, and the company responds by officially sanctioning it and support it with it. Sweden and the Netherlands are the countries where the pressure of the employees are the greatest. Here are the 69 percent of businesses with mobile work identifying it as a driving factor, compared with a global average of just over 50 percent. One of eight desk on the way out figures above global average. Swedish company currently has 8.8 desktop per 10 knowledge workers, the highest in Europe. In the U.S., 6.8 and 7.6 in Japan. Japan is the only country in the study that is expected to fix up at the front desk - in 2020 they are expected to be up on the same figures as Sweden currently, 8.8 table per 10 knowledge workers. More devices get connected to the corporate network Each employee will already ate business network with more than four units a day, and it just gets more and more. But the variation bedside tables is large. For companies that do not offer mobile working is average 3.0 units per knowledge worker - the company that makes the figure is 6.4. Majority offers mobile working more than every other company already offers mobile bedside tables working - but 9 percent have no plans for it. Android most of the companies that have a BYOD policy supports 70% Android 60% Apple 44% Windows 39% Blackberry on the mobile side. Apple, however, is more common bedside tables than Android in the U.S., Canada bedside tables and Australia. In China, the most common Windows Phone, which is supported by a full 91 percent of companies. They run BYOD BYOD is no "IT issue". There are many stakeholders and functions of the companies that are involved and contribute to BYOD strategy.
Do not miss the next CIO conference, Business Value in Stockholm on 28 November. Anml up today!
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Assuming the term "flexible office with frre fixed arbetsp

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