Wednesday, October 2, 2013

And the next day I got an iPhone! and not inferior hráköku

magnea my dear could be in London last Friday. It's my third birthday in a row that we spend together in the city. Click to us at the opening of the exhibition at the Brixton after work and skáluðum to the pub in the minor-i (mall) with two co-teachers Magnea from myndló (where we met for 7 years)
On Saturday we went to the Tate Modern (which I have not been on since memory maiden voyage to London, when I stopped here one day on his way from Seville, for 8 years now) and then stroll over to Covent Garden and strætóuðumst world. Since we went to 4 shops to buy chocolate coated popcorn, artichoke jog / artichokes / þystilhjörtu, red hummus, sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, corn flakes and Haagen-day! (So had no appetite for ice-win for me!)
On Sunday we went and met a friend for coffee in Camden and kjömsuðum on hráköku (peanut butter tart and passionfruit cheesecake). I saw iphone capped and thought, "this was the only reason why I got my iphone"
And the next day I got an iPhone! and not inferior hráköku 'a la Cafe Sigrun' beds for sale Do not know if I'm happy with, it's been really easy to ride to work last week. Sauces something almost always in the fridge at the farm .. and so this will be enjoyable every day the sun shines and the gentleman is older. Differential of all to be able to talk to him. While dialogues are not very cognitive them understand each other.
On Thursday I went with Mr. husband, his sister and mother in the garden with a fountain and laughed at them constantly for 2 hours. Terribly cute to see them run into the fountain, giggling and laughing like crazy. So was too fat bulldog, there are funny dogs. So I went to útaðborða beds for sale with only older gentleman in the evening. Saltfiskkrókettur nomm!
Yesterday I was riding in the far south London after work, to eat barbeque restaurants with some kórfélögum. beds for sale I was about 50 minutes on the road, the sun and friendliness, and stopped in earnest to see if there was anything beds for sale explode on the deck. Was about to die (and not to alcohol beds for sale to "real" bike riding champions þutu framúrmér in their spandex defects, in their race wheels)
Biked home in the morning, it was easier, despite the worst weather and an empty tank. Fákurinn was willing. But it took me one and a half hours. So I settled on the piece of wood with a handsaw (can forget that scores of people in Mariner when I have rafmagnssög), cut out a little, drew a little, looked a little, a little thought. Ate Haagen day and took a good afternoon.
I went back outside to weather drabbið from me. Could be loving neighbors in the street, on his rafskutlunni prísaði and blessed beds for sale me for not being as large teats with him. And I decided to blog because it's been a yyyyndishlech week.
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