Pumpkin Lantern!
Good evening! Right now I'm lounging on the couch with a bag on his head .... more on that later. ;) Hehe! The day began with calls to the centers and emergency rooms. Lillian has been poor to eat for a few days now. She is not interested in food. Not even the bottle loveseat she wants. Eventually you have to almost force feed her for her to get in a little nutrition, but it is not large quantities she ingests. Adelie loveseat asleep for almost 12 hours straight and when she wakes up, she is not hungry for food. After 12 hours without food one should be hungry! She has a fever again, but she has been a little whiny judgment sensate day. She can not come to rest and things that she likes to think is funny, she is not even interested. We were worried this morning when she barely got into the 50 ml replacement so I called the health center. We have actually easy to UTIs in the family so my mom thought it could be. She recognized the symptoms from when I was little. The health center could not help us they did not receive 6 months of babies. I called the emergency room, but they thought I would wait and see if it got worse over the weekend. She did not think it sounded like it because Adelie had no fever nor was blunt. Would she be worse, we will go in directly. But she told me about was to buy urine strips at the pharmacy. Then you can find out if there is an infection or not. We took a walk down to Huddinge C to purchase its needles. When we got home we would try to get a small urine sample from Adelie .... which was not so easy. Finally put Christopher in a freezer bag over lillis butt. He made two holes in the bag and pulled on it as a diaper. After a few minutes the little kiss and we could do a urine sample. The test showed no signs that it would be an infection! So nice .... But what can it be? Teeth on time, or she's just very stubborn. After a little loveseat DIFFICULT morning and today I took and Adelie a nice bath together. When the little one had finished bathing Kristoffer took care of the little one and I stayed in the bath. Christopher came with an ice cold beer as I savored the warm bath. What fredagslyx and the nice guy I have. After the bath, we had dinner and Idol mys ...
Right now I'm in this sleek Lindex bag on his head. I have castor oil in your hair. ;) Now I have driven the oil in a few days and I really like reading. You may want to see some results? Thought show some before and after pictures loveseat of the weekend so stay tuned. ;)
Before loveseat Adelie fell asleep for the night, she was stubborn and impossible. I do not know what it is with her. Could there was a new phase? She wants to be alone when she is over tired. Lying on the floor and cuddle is the only one that works. Immediately after taking a little at her, she screams and farts with his mouth. Haha! quirky kid. Talk about that I have a baby with a j * vla temperament ;)
Oh, what a pretty name. I wish for a boy next time. lol! Would be nice to have both a girl and a boy Yeah, he did. Sure it's hard when they're whining all the time. It sounds just like here at home but me that she eats less. So nice to hear in some way because then I know that it is not reached serious. loveseat Hahaha yeah I know .. You worry all the time, but it's probably good I think :) Thank you like my blog. Let me know if you want me to write about reaching special. Have a good / Felicia
have a little boy named Loui, he was born on the 27th of April, he was also just entered a new phase, and so whiny but he runs however on eating heeela time iställe One will never stop worrying loveseat now while Mom feels the that! super good blog! / Kelly
I have babies of the same age, and I have a book that they stand for all weeks in when they are about 26,27,28 weeks, a new phase where they stand that you can lose your appetite and become whiny blah .. maybe it is? you probably need not worry.
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Felicia Cardell. I am a young mother of 23 years old from Stockholm. I work as a hairdresser at the salon Cardell Hair Lounge, but right now I'm on maternity leave. Me and my wonderful boyfriend Kristoffer got our long awaited daughter Adelie April 14, 2013. Please follow my blog! Here I will write about everything that I love! Fashion, beauty, interior design, and the new family life.
Recent comments about Felicia Cardell BODY AFTER 6 MONTHS. Emmy the body after 6 months. felicia Cardell loveseat on CASTOR OIL & ÖLBAD. Kelly on CASTOR OIL & ÖLBAD. felicia Cardell on CASTOR OIL & ÖLBAD.
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