Thursday, October 3, 2013

6.U (ÖMMERR) Anna Aaron Wealth Arni Asgeir classmates (MR) Blinggirls BMF. Viktor Doddi Jeff Frikki

Safety Working The other day I was fired ship all 12 hours in the plant. Drove shot tray and mölbakka the truck, opened and closed the pots and brooms. This is sveittasta and dirtiest work in the potroom. People must sótsvartir in front as miners. When I came home his mother bear me vile and ókristilega heavy and bulky sofa bed in-law apartment with her. After that I ate and went to sleep. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep that night, I saw immediately just shot trays and pots. So I dreamed I was driving a truck and came to a huge pile of mölbökkum, no one came over without a bird in flight. They were not stacked up regulated but were all on Rui and Kiss. I had somehow break my way through. Beyond king size bed the pile of the project has undoubtedly prompted, open, close, sweep, and bank transfers from point A to point B. Do not run the drawers themselves. I carry Klepp heavy sleeper but knew not where. It was a journey without destination. Should not I be happy hour is when I started to dream work twelve hour shift? Is fortunately come on holiday now until Wednesday morning.
6.U (ÖMMERR) Anna Aaron Wealth Arni Asgeir classmates (MR) Blinggirls BMF. Viktor Doddi Jeff Frikki Gummi P and Joseph Gummi Zimmah Hawk Henrik Inga Iris & Maggi Mar Nina Odd D dad hillbilly Svenni and Kari Trausti Olaf
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