Sunday, October 20, 2013

CLANWILLIAM: Veld fires caused major damage introspective to the fynbos in the Ce derberg and a hou

CLANWILLIAM: Veld fires caused major damage introspective to the fynbos in the Ce derberg and a house in Heuningvlei remained in the battle. Veld fires raged since Wednesday night, 16 Jan-uarie, and large areas of fynbos and wild animals were destroyed in the fire. The fire was caused concern by lightning introspective field at Bridge bead on fire. The field at Bridge Kraal (a settlement between Eselbank and Wupperthal West) first started fire and flames by the wind mountain along blown to Heuningvlei, where the burned house of Ms Anna Ockhuis Sun afternoon. The fire was a spark thrown on the old thatched cottage and within introspective minutes, the roof began to collapse. Firefighters introspective and residents managed to get all the furniture except a greenhouse out of the house wearing. Linen in the closet is also saved. A Showcase introspective with glasses, plates and cups are carried from the house without breaking something in it. The house was then used as the first school and church building in the settlement Heuningvlei. Ironically, also on a Sunday afternoon sometime in 1945 burned down. The building after the fire recovery and since then it has been the home of Anna Ockuis, became known as Ous. Ockuis on 28 The sember 70 years, was Sunday at the time of the fire on Heuningvlei. She visited her daughter in Moorreesburg. introspective She used the cottage as a guest house and the income is used for her own use as well as for people in hill ningvlei meals provided. Wednesday, seven days later, the fire still burned high on the slopes. The fire has since Krakadouwberge moved in the direction of the town and fire now in a northerly direction to Warehouse Mountain. Firefighters from all over the Western Cape in relay teams and is working on a counter fire at Pakhuisberg to time the fire goes when it gets there. There is apparently not much the firefighters can do now under fire, but it is monitored. Helicopters on Wednesday introspective would be used to pour water. Friday afternoon and Sater-dagoggend air above Clanwilliam a hive of helicopter operations involved in the fires. The whole donkiekarroete from Pakhuisberg to Heuningvlei and burned the field away in Wupperthal black. Large quantities of the Cedar trees planted each year, was burned to death. Firefighters get very little sleep and it's not an uncommon sight to the people along the roads in the trenches to see sleep. Every moment that could be spared to cut an owl is used, for they know not when the action resumes. Residents of Clanwilliam and vicinity suffers from extreme heat as a result of the fires.
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