Surprisingly changes
Now I have been using castor oil for 3 weeks and I'm starting to see results. After 2 weeks, the hair should begin to grow snabbare.Och it's really true. In the beginning the brand I no difference at all, but now in the past week, there have been stuff! My hair tends to grow 1 cm in 5 weeks. Yes I know ... tough shit! But now my hair has grown almost more than 1 cm in 3 weeks. You may not see a huge difference when you look at the length, but when I see outgrowth, I have proof that it has actually grown. The hair feels shinier, smoother, healthier, thicker and slightly ipl points table 2013 longer. I notice that your hair has become longer because now I get up all the hair into a high ponytail or knot without having to use lots of hairpins. I use castor oil 3 times a week and sleeps almost always with the oil in your hair overnight. I will continue with the oil for a while so in 3 weeks it will be more for pictures and then maybe it has happened a bit more :)
That said not huge results, but for being my hair is growing faster ipl points table 2013 than ever now. I have very damaged hair at the bottom of the tops so you can not expect too much. But surely you can see that it has become a bit longer and does not it look healthier? I'm anyway happy :)
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Felicia Cardell. I am a young mother of 23 years old from Stockholm. I work as a hairdresser at the salon Cardell Hair Lounge, but right now I'm on maternity leave. Me and my wonderful boyfriend Kristoffer got our long awaited daughter Adelie April 14, 2013. Please follow my blog! Here I will write about everything that I love! Fashion, beauty, interior design, and the new family life.
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