Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The first cot needs of your newborn is simple. A straight, soft mattress and a closed place where y

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It is important that you prepare the personal space of your baby before his arrival at home, even if you plan to sleep the baby in your room the first time. The preparation of the site of sleeping and playing your baby wants particular attention.
When your baby is born, you will be the center of his world. And this world will mainly revolves around the nursery. Both will spend too much time on it, especially mariel hemingway in the early days you bring your baby home, so it is important to be a quiet and comfortable space for both of you. A good time to start building the space of your baby when you are in the sixth or seventh month, and you can still easily move.
Many of you do not want to separate from your side, especially in the early days, struggling to leave a room separate from. You can keep it a little time in your room, but at the latest after the second month must carry in his room or, if no such possibility in a separate room. The reason is that this age the infant begins to perceive its environment and later will be much harder to sell.
O space of your baby-whether it's in your bedroom or any other room-should be quiet, with little traffic and soft light. Remember that your baby spends most time of the day in this area and will be looking up, so make sure there is no glare on the ceiling. It should be a calm space, designed to be comfortable and easy to use for you and your baby. Place furniture as you think you will make yourself comfortable, but do not forget that the more likely it is to have to move it back a bit once you find what works best for both of you.
The first cot needs of your newborn is simple. A straight, soft mattress and a closed place where you feel safe. In the first months mariel hemingway of life may book a bassinet. mariel hemingway These cots are moving easily, so you can place them in any room and you can watch your baby sleeping. The bassinet but not necessary. And because most can not afford the expense of a larger baby and is only useful in the first four or five months, it is a luxury product.
For a safe sleeping: To reduce the risk of SIDS your child should sleep on their back. Anyone mariel hemingway who cares for the baby you should follow this rule, even if only for a little sleep at noon The mattress sleeping should be level and stable. Soft pillows, blankets and toys should never be in bed when your baby sleeps in it. If borrowed bed, make sure that it meets the following safety measures: The bars should not be spaced more than 6 cm from each other to not allow the baby to slip between mariel hemingway them. The mattress should fit perfectly. The gap between the mattress and the bed should not be more than two fingers. Remove plastic cover anywhere. The top corner of the mattress should not be taller than 0.15 m or not shorter than 40 cm if there is cover to not snag your baby's clothes, or injury. There should be no decorations at the top or bottom of the bed. Your baby can hit them in the head or feet. To avoid choking, make sure you remove Mobile or objects hanging over the bed when your baby is done four months and can stand up alone. And as your baby is smaller, make sure that the Mobile is high enough to avoid the reach, and that is well secured so it can not fall onto the bed.
Changer You can buy a special table designed to change the diapers of newborn mariel hemingway or just change it on any flat surface, simply put a mat or a towel underneath. Make sure, however, that the surface is stable and, if possible, secure it to the wall. Never leave your baby alone on the table-changer. Always hold your baby with one hand when you are on it. Do you have all that you need to change the diaper near you, but not to reach your baby.
Protection for children Keeping your home safe for your baby, it is a process that never ends. Now is a good time to start with the basics. Make a complete control in your home and look for small items that are not fixed and can endanger your baby. Until your baby is born, buy caps for all outlets may

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