Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I can imagine the anger of those people alive. For years used as pawns and is now narrowed down the

Somewhat haperig movie because too high for you pauperige livestream but no less fun: angry Italians local riot police storm and make use of the ancient 'phalanx tactics. You know how it is, Asterix and Obelix. If you relt much against the authority arises apparently get a real science. Meanwhile there throughout Southern Europe protested. Quite some In Belgium, France, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain the ball. In Madrid there is a serious lack of polica incidentally, to say the least. sova Live pictures HIERRR, a more than excellent live blog you must be with the Guardian RT they have a live stream and hashtag # 14N can make an effort to follow. Few hundred tweets per minute Meanwhile puts our favorite BBC Brit Girl Anna Holligan finger on the sore spot. VanLeeuwen | 14-11-12 | 14:55 | link | comments 104 Reaguursels
By now it would not even penetrate that blunt harses all Europhiles that have revealed that bees nest away. Ship Loads of our retirement money to go to the countries and garlic instead of a modest 'thank you' you will get a big mouth to. Cuyahoga | 14-11-12 | 15:00
I can imagine the anger of those people alive. For years used as pawns and is now narrowed down their throats. sova Here the evil people sova are still largely behind a keyboard on a nice warm office or in bed. Say maarKaas_Cuevara | 14-11-12 | 15:01
The Spartans used the phalanx already! sova eerstneukendanpraten | 14-11-12 sova | 15:06
Tobi | 14-11-12 | 15:07 Can I sign up somewhere for a week Greek ME? harry poster | 14-11-12 sova | 15:03 |. You think those billions to Greece are transferred directly into the pockets of the people who go there to demonstrate? I think you still do not quite understand what is going on exactly within the EU. Bertus sova Concrete Runner | 14-11-12 | 15:08
We are afraid to stop lest otherwise we lose our jobs. Managers and administrators know this. They also know that 50 + hardly a new job will be having. Power .... apple green meadow | 14-11-12 | 15:09
@ Bertus Concrete Runner | 14-11-12 |. 15:08 I think I get it weldegelijk Why the haughty statement? With regard to the problems in Greece, I can tell you that the problems are not there arise because sova everyone loved to work hard and honestly his / her tax return did. Therefore, I can only hard day on the street that runs against "the ordinary Greek 'instead of attempting to do something. harry poster | 14-11-12 | 15:14
The Italians have all keep their mouths. For years they have gestempt on Berlo loser because he brought such beautiful women televee. And they have done for years with a Democratic majority. sova Inferi0r | 14-11-12 | 15:17
Also runs crying because everyone needs to be at the theater cutbacks in our village (read: the salary of the Executive Board), to grant for music teachers, handcraft classes and 'cultural' things. When will people understand that well once the money of another, some years lapped up against the sills of the town, at a certain moment in time? Cuyahoga | 14-11-12 | 15:20
Mort everywhere .. the people against the tax increases undemocratic sova obtained to keep. The Supreme Soviet of the EUSSR in the saddle Except "the English" because sova we just grumble because we deep down believe that the regents do not control the abyss. Unfortunately, that peanut butter with Brussels. John Passant mk2 | 14-11-12 | 15:26
@ Cuyahoga | 14-11-12 sova | 15:20 | The best thing I always find that people say how important it is not, how many people use it and there's not so much 'money is needed .. . But if I suggest that all those people who use it themselves 'not so much' money raking together, they look at me as if they see water burn ... dlseth_ | 14-11-12 | 15:27
This is not a phalanx, because that information is not Roman but Greek / Macedonian, I believe. I think it relates to a specific formation of a Roman Legion, and called the Testudo. Heiplagger | 14-11-12 | 15:29
You have to look where corruption has begun, the Greek politicians who, thanks to Goldman Sachs were able to Greece sova to defraud. Eurozone Since then they have gold earn money and their bank accounts in Switzerland follow dumps money obtained through fraud and they also have a lot of jobs out shares to family and friends. This of course sova is great as long as there is enough money. Now the party is over, and it appears that the Greeks themselves are hard fucked by their own politicians. Therefore, they take to the streets. That's a national sport to evade tax is not specifically a Greek problem we find here in the Netherlands also very nice. Kets22 | 14-11-12 | 15:30

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