Thursday, July 10, 2014

But what if

How does one night stay in picturesque Bath in late June? 40, 50, 70, 80 euros for a double room? Top - down we all know that this is the price range during the summer months for both the bath and the remaining villages of Sfakia, for a double room with breakfast normally.
But what if "the" wedding of the summer happens in your village? Inevitably, if you are an entrepreneur, you will want to exploit the fact, in one way or another, sometimes "elegant" and "discreetly" ... and sometimes blatant, as in the case identified and presents the See the screen below! It is one of the popular search site accommodation, where the user, as shown at left, is seeking a double room in Bath, Saturday, June 28, 2014, ie yesterday, the day the village marry his grandson Mitsotaki Pierre.
While far as the price ... Breakfast is not included and the same room for single use, comes in ... 350! And do not think that this is a luxury hotel. Such there are also in the area. This room in accommodation laptop stand where prices fluctuate all other days from 50 to 75 euros.
Dear author of this article hello. Apparently you're right just because of that I understand that you are unfamiliar with the site not to jump to conclusions laptop stand to create wrong entythposeis to those in diavazoun.Eimai 101% sure that this hotel was overcrowded and put this indeed prohibitive price To avoid last minute bookings that could not exypiretisei.Einai common workaround us who work in hotels that only we the gnorizoume.SYMPERASMATIKA: Before you proceed in such good posts einia asking and no special from the space of anafereste.Efcharisto advance for your attention.
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