Sunday, July 13, 2014

As reported by the Financial Times come the upcoming negotiations with the EU and the IMF for debt

Great tribute to the Financial Times on Greece
"The signs of the economic crisis are visible everywhere in Athens, the closed unclaimed freight shops and public buildings full of graffiti, by people of all ages who are looking to the dustbins of more affluent neighborhoods of the capital."
The newspaper notes that: "The crisis has also led the Greeks to vote desperate revolutionary, although regressive unclaimed freight parties, SYRIZA the extreme left and the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn on the right. Both parties support a return to statist policies that triggered the economic collapse and the threat of Greek exit from the eurozone. "
In the newspaper unclaimed freight there are signs that violent reforms imposed in exchange for the current bailout of 172 billion euros from the EU and the IMF, are finally beginning to bear fruit.
As reported by the Financial Times come the upcoming negotiations with the EU and the IMF for debt relief. These negotiations are complicated unclaimed freight by differences in whether they should be offered Greece a further "haircut" debt after the restructuring of Greek debt in 2012, as we prefer the IMF, or whether it should be no compromise with the proposal European Commission to reduce interest rates and lengthening maturities.
"We'll be in a room with two elephants and should walk the fingertips unclaimed freight together to secure a deal," said senior Greek official said. "But what is important is to reduce the debt on the next generation, in one way or another." unclaimed freight
However a concern for Mr. Samaras is elected President of the Republic next February. If the parliament fails to elect a president with the required three-fifths majority, should be declared general elections, according to the pollsters will lead to the formation of another coalition government.
The newspaper notes that despite unclaimed freight the persistent implementation of the current program of the government, Mr. Samaras wants DNA tell voters unclaimed freight that the unpopular "Memorandum"-as it is known in Greece bailout-expired.
Within hours, one day in early April, Greece enjoyed a huge change for the international investor sentiment, the FT comment on a article even included in their very substantial tribute to our country.
"In the first action in the international capital markets after several years, the country saw orders about 20 billion euros to flood banks which organized the 5-year agreement to issue bonds amounting to EUR 3 billion and so Greece was able to borrow at a much lower cost than expected, as the bonds were evaluated by yield just 4.95% ", underlines the newspaper.
As the columnist Ralph Atkins, returned to Greece from the brink of death. "Not only the government raised funds from capital markets. The Greek banks have taken the change psychology to strengthen their balance sheets, raising funds more cheaply than it would have been possible a few years ago, "he says.
Notes, is that successful bond issue in April does not mean that investors believed that the Greek crisis is over, stressing that many people still fear the structural weaknesses and even in key areas such as tax collection and high levels of indebtedness .
According to the FT, there are two factors that work in favor of Greece: First, the global 'hunt for yield'. The historically low interest rates have officially expel international investors in search of riskier assets that give higher returns. unclaimed freight For some of them, the Greece match their goals.
Secondly, have increased indications that the fate of Greece has changed. "We've reached a flashpoint," unclaimed freight said George Saravelos, strategist at Deutsche Bank, noting that late last year, things have stopped getting worse. "
As a small triumph of Greek government describe unclaimed freight the FT the fact that Greece has finally managed scams pensions of dead people who continue to be collected. In the article by Tony Barber on "Greece has not even beat the old, bad habits," describes the Greek efforts to tackle the pensions 'monkey' and evasion.
The Dodgers are a small minority compared to the population of the country and the amounts recovered - about 40 million - pale in comparison to the public unclaimed freight debt amounting to 320 billion euros or 175% of its GDP, refers characteristics.
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