Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Preparing for vacation? - Here

Patra: 31 C Entertainment News Magazine rattan eshop Guide Blogs BABYBOOM by G. Papadakou HairCut rattan by Th Christakopoulos'll tell you everything ... by F. Vgenopoulos Kivotos by M. Dellerma Ctrl + N Go Green Sleep Eat Wear
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He died while having fun in a bar in downtown Patras: "Impossible to believe that Ernest left" - Overwhelmed relatives and friends of the death of 26 year-old only son of Hercules Papadopoulos
Preparing for vacation? - Here's what to watch out for not searching press or hotel room! The kalokairaki went on well and many of us arrange our holidays and we are looking for rentals or hotels.
The Consumers Association "The Quality rattan of Life" (EKPIZO) because it receives many complaints about problems faced by consumers in the case of accommodation, recalls their rights in order to avoid problems.
- The prices are formed freely and must be displayed in each room. - You must follow rattan all the advertised benefits, like being offered exactly what we asked for and agreed depending on the capabilities of the hotel and the room (away from the sea views, air conditioning, TV, Internet, breakfast, etc.) . - The innkeeper is entitled to request a deposit up to 25% (optional) of the total cost, but the amount can not be less than one day's rent. - The deposit is lost if abort or postpone the trip and have not updated in time the hotelier (at least 21 days before), otherwise obliged to return the money. - If you use the room less than the stipulated time, if you promptly notify, you have no charge, otherwise you are forced to pay 50% of the price originally rattan agreed. - To ensure, should the hotelier to respond in writing by fax or e-mail within 3 days to accept your order. - Where there is no written answer or other proof of booking shall be deemed to be made for one day and daily updated implicitly (if one client or hotelier-not stated otherwise). - Exit the room at 12 noon, while you stay until 6 pm will be charged 50% of the price. - If the hotelier is unable to offer rooms that subscribes to allocate to clients, is required to ensure your stay in alternative accommodation of at least the same class in the same city, which offers the same amenities and services as those advertised their own establishment. - The innkeeper is only liable for precious or valuable items and money delivered by the customer, rattan giving proof. - Keeping in the hotel pets of any kind is prohibited, unless the hotel provides for this area.
- The cost of phone calls from the hotel is free. If it comes to the rooms EKPIZO rattan telling you to apply the following: - To carry the signal EOT. - To have the basic equipment of a house (fridge, cooker, utensils). - Have good lighting. - Be clean and bed linen and towels. - The prices here are freely, but shall be mandatory in the rooms.
In the offices of the Tourist Police, tel 1571, the Greek National Tourism Organization, tel 210-3310392, 210-3310716 e-mail: [email protected], the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs, rattan tel 1520, fax 210-38 42 642 e- mail: [email protected], in EKPIZO, Athens, tel 210 330.44.44, e-mail: [email protected]
This Friday will appear in Alsyllio Katakolo in Ilia probably in early September rattan will come in Patras music "gang" of Savopoulou Machairitsas and Mouzouraki
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