Wiping the neck in Wudhu and its virtues. | Islam: fitted wardrobes Question & Answer
1 Ibn Sakan cites in his Kitab al Huroof the hadith of Musaraf bin Umar narrated that Amar bin Kaab (Allaah be pleased with him) that.; I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) ablution (Wudhu) do, he wiped his beard and neck off.
2 Abu Nu'aim narrated in his Tarikh Asbahan the hadith fitted wardrobes of Abdullah bin Umar that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said.; "Whoever ablution (Wudhu) does and afveegd his neck, was rescued from the chain on the Day of Resurrection" (1)
4.Abu Ubaid al Qasim (Ibn Sallam) narrated fitted wardrobes in his Kitab Al Abd Al-Rahman Tuhoor bin Mahdi, which is narrated fitted wardrobes by Musa bin Talhah he said; "Those who are neck afveegd while wiping his head will be saved from the chain on the Day of Resurrection" fitted wardrobes
Allama Badraddin Ayni said in his Sharh (explanation) of Al Hidaya; All though this tradition Mawquf (2), it has the status of a marfu (3), because that can not be said to own an opinion in this matter Sahaba, Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani gives a similar explanation in Sharh Nukhbahatul Fikr and Talkis Habir al.
5.Kamal Ibn Hummam citeerd his Fathul Qadir hadith of Wail bin Hujr (Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the ablution (Wudhu) of the Prophet (Peace be upon him); He (the Prophet fitted wardrobes peace be upon him) swept three times over his head, and then the outside of his ears, and when he wiped his neck and the bottom of his beard with the water that remained of his head. (Tirmidhi from Ibn Kamal according Hummam)
Allama Luknowi says; I could not find the editions that I had Tirmizi but Badraddin Allama Ayni, Yusuf Az Zaylai, and Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani have confirmed that this hadith in Musnad Al Bazaar (4). These hadith
The famous commantator of Sahih Bukhari, Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani writes in his work Talkis All Habir that this narration is Sahih. (Talkis all Habir Vol1. Pg 92) Imam Shawkani confirmed this in his Naylul Awtaar. (Vol1. Pg 204)
(6) Imam Shawkani says the Shafi'i; Ruyani Al, Al Baghawi, and Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani (in his Talkis all Habir) the surrender or even admit as a Sunnah. fitted wardrobes Habib Umar ibn Hafiz says that one should fitted wardrobes wipe the neck as it would require sprituele meaning is (based fitted wardrobes on the overleveringin purpose) and Imam Gazali Shayk in Wudhu Abdul Qadir Jilani have the same opinion.
Topics fitted wardrobes Aqidah (3) Bidah (3) Biographies (6) Dawah (13) English Articles (4) Fatwas (3) Fiqh (3) Prayer (7) Sunnah (2) Tazkiyah (41) Recent articles Hanafi Madhhab and Tuxedo Tuhfa al-mubtadi: Beginners Text on Hanafi Fiqh from al-Ahsa Evidences fitted wardrobes for Wudu Over too soon pray The Ruling Concerning fitted wardrobes Music by the Four Imams (rahim ahem Allah) The Supplication and Commemorative after Prayer fitted wardrobes Greatness of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Types of diseases Heart attacks and their healing The Distance In Feet Prayer Salat al-Hayah Prayer fitted wardrobes for a requirement Salat al Tasbih - perish a prayer to do your sins. Fasting in Ramadaan Is Tarawih Prayer 20 rakats? Tawhid (Islamic monotheism) The farewell pilgrimage fitted wardrobes Most Read Articles The Sunnah prayers in conjunction with the Mandatory prayers Exemption from fasting Beg Prayers Fasting in Ramadaan Why us? Fasting Rabbana'' Pleas from the Koran Salat al Tasbih prayer of the lovers of Allah 40'' - a prayer for your sins do perish. The Supplication and Commemorative after Prayer Tuhfa al-mubtadi: Beginners Text on Hanafi Fiqh from al-Ahsa fitted wardrobes Pages Beg Prayers Welcome 40 "Rabbana" Pleas from the Quran 40 Hadith - Imam Nawawi (rah) 40 Hadith Qoedsie The Noble Quran
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1 Ibn Sakan cites in his Kitab al Huroof the hadith of Musaraf bin Umar narrated that Amar bin Kaab (Allaah be pleased with him) that.; I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) ablution (Wudhu) do, he wiped his beard and neck off.
2 Abu Nu'aim narrated in his Tarikh Asbahan the hadith fitted wardrobes of Abdullah bin Umar that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said.; "Whoever ablution (Wudhu) does and afveegd his neck, was rescued from the chain on the Day of Resurrection" (1)
4.Abu Ubaid al Qasim (Ibn Sallam) narrated fitted wardrobes in his Kitab Al Abd Al-Rahman Tuhoor bin Mahdi, which is narrated fitted wardrobes by Musa bin Talhah he said; "Those who are neck afveegd while wiping his head will be saved from the chain on the Day of Resurrection" fitted wardrobes
Allama Badraddin Ayni said in his Sharh (explanation) of Al Hidaya; All though this tradition Mawquf (2), it has the status of a marfu (3), because that can not be said to own an opinion in this matter Sahaba, Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani gives a similar explanation in Sharh Nukhbahatul Fikr and Talkis Habir al.
5.Kamal Ibn Hummam citeerd his Fathul Qadir hadith of Wail bin Hujr (Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the ablution (Wudhu) of the Prophet (Peace be upon him); He (the Prophet fitted wardrobes peace be upon him) swept three times over his head, and then the outside of his ears, and when he wiped his neck and the bottom of his beard with the water that remained of his head. (Tirmidhi from Ibn Kamal according Hummam)
Allama Luknowi says; I could not find the editions that I had Tirmizi but Badraddin Allama Ayni, Yusuf Az Zaylai, and Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani have confirmed that this hadith in Musnad Al Bazaar (4). These hadith
The famous commantator of Sahih Bukhari, Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani writes in his work Talkis All Habir that this narration is Sahih. (Talkis all Habir Vol1. Pg 92) Imam Shawkani confirmed this in his Naylul Awtaar. (Vol1. Pg 204)
(6) Imam Shawkani says the Shafi'i; Ruyani Al, Al Baghawi, and Hafiz Ibn Hajar al Asqalani (in his Talkis all Habir) the surrender or even admit as a Sunnah. fitted wardrobes Habib Umar ibn Hafiz says that one should fitted wardrobes wipe the neck as it would require sprituele meaning is (based fitted wardrobes on the overleveringin purpose) and Imam Gazali Shayk in Wudhu Abdul Qadir Jilani have the same opinion.
Topics fitted wardrobes Aqidah (3) Bidah (3) Biographies (6) Dawah (13) English Articles (4) Fatwas (3) Fiqh (3) Prayer (7) Sunnah (2) Tazkiyah (41) Recent articles Hanafi Madhhab and Tuxedo Tuhfa al-mubtadi: Beginners Text on Hanafi Fiqh from al-Ahsa Evidences fitted wardrobes for Wudu Over too soon pray The Ruling Concerning fitted wardrobes Music by the Four Imams (rahim ahem Allah) The Supplication and Commemorative after Prayer fitted wardrobes Greatness of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Types of diseases Heart attacks and their healing The Distance In Feet Prayer Salat al-Hayah Prayer fitted wardrobes for a requirement Salat al Tasbih - perish a prayer to do your sins. Fasting in Ramadaan Is Tarawih Prayer 20 rakats? Tawhid (Islamic monotheism) The farewell pilgrimage fitted wardrobes Most Read Articles The Sunnah prayers in conjunction with the Mandatory prayers Exemption from fasting Beg Prayers Fasting in Ramadaan Why us? Fasting Rabbana'' Pleas from the Koran Salat al Tasbih prayer of the lovers of Allah 40'' - a prayer for your sins do perish. The Supplication and Commemorative after Prayer Tuhfa al-mubtadi: Beginners Text on Hanafi Fiqh from al-Ahsa fitted wardrobes Pages Beg Prayers Welcome 40 "Rabbana" Pleas from the Quran 40 Hadith - Imam Nawawi (rah) 40 Hadith Qoedsie The Noble Quran
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