Kakapo (Scientific name: Strigops habroptilus, literally "owl-like"; than Maori: kākāpō, literally "parrot the night;" in Hebrew: Tocilil) is a nocturnal parrot endemic to the New Zealand. Kakapo number of unique features: It has a special method of courtship; Is the only bird flightless missing; Is the heaviest parrot; And is one of the birds with the longest life expectancy.
Species is in danger pillow of extinction: As of 2012 known worldwide Details 126 [1], all marked by man and constantly monitored data. In the cow - historically migrated ancestor of the Kakapo of New Zealand Islands, where, in the absence of predators, lost the ability airport. With the Polynesian settlement pillow in New Zealand, followed by the Europeans, who came to them for predatory invasive species, such as cats, rats and Smoriim, and Kakapo population almost completely eradicated.
Species conservation efforts began in the nineties of the 19th century, but were not a significant success to run the Sabbath Kakapo nature in the eighties of the 20th century. All information stored in four survived the tiny islands without predators near New Zealand: pillow Chalk, in South - Western pillow Fiordland; Kodfis, near Stewart Island near the South Island; Mao D, northern South Island; And Manchuria, in southwestern South Island, where they are under strict pillow supervision. Anatomy and shows when you look at the big face, round, green - brown, he wears a look of puzzlement, innocent and peaceful - so want to hug him ... It is extremely fat bird. Bodied adult birds weigh about two and a half to three pounds, and can be any waving wings suffice if it is suspicious that she was going to come across something - but the airport was not an option at all ... - Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine, "Last Chance to See", pp. 118
Kakapo is heavier and larger parrot details Adult males reach a length of more than 60 inches and a weight of between 3 and 4 kg (Parrot USA, by comparison, weighs between 1 to 1.5 kg). Flightless Kakapo missing; It has relatively short wings along the body, but the breastbone, anchors the flight muscles in the rest of the bird, not massive for him. He uses his wings to balance the body, to support; To break his fall, when he jumps from trees and rocks; And to use them to move around more easily on the ground. Unlike other birds incompetent airports, Kakapo ability to store large amounts of fat and use it as an aggregate energy.
Kakapo feathers pillow in shades of green - moss, the back area dotted black spots; These feathers disguise it well in the local vegetation. Lacking pillow the power of flight, there Kakapo feathers need help toughness and strong aviation and therefore particularly soft feathers. Feathers in the stomach, neck and face painted yellow tones, vary greatly among the different and rarely scouted except all yellow. Kakapo a "mustache" of soft feathers furry (like the kiwi feathers), comparing him look somewhat similar to the owl before. Therefore, the early European settlers pillow called it "owl parrot". Even the scientific name means, Strigops habroptilus, is "like an owl". The source of feathers surrounded by soft and delicate, which uses the Kakapo to feel the ground when he goes with his head bowed down. Rear of the tail feathers worn often due to prolonged drag on the ground. Under colored feathers feathers faded and softer.
The origin of the Kakapo, ivory color - blue, optimized for grinding food and eroding into very small pieces. For this reason it has a very small crop, relative to that of other birds in size. Kakapo's feet large, covered with a kind of dandruff, and as with all members pillow of the parrot family, his fingers Zigodktiliot (two toes facing forward and two backward). The large claws and relatively sharp, and they used it primarily for climbing and as a grip. The eyes are relatively small and are located at the sides of the head, as with most of the birds, and the color of the iris of the eye dark brown to black. Around the eyes "rings" gray.
Kakapo is also fairly developed sense of smell, which helps him to the lifestyle of his night. A unique feature of the species is strong and pleasant aroma of the information, described by many people as the smell of flowers and honey or air purifier; It seems that this is due to a strong smell of pheromones related to social ties among the different. However, pillow the aroma turns Kakapo problems too. For example, it helps to predators find their location in relatively easy.
Males are larger than females and females come from small and light and a little more subtle, but in terms of feathers pillow - the color, length and Markman no bi sexual polymorphism between male and female in the Kakapo. In nature, the life expectancy of the Kakapo comes more than 60 years; Captivity, however, is usually survives a few months, unless Experts grown under special conditions close to those in nature. Courtship and breeding offspring
Kakapo is a kind of parrot only one in the whole world in his system of courtship and breeding unique machine polish (lek): The males congregate during mating season in any domain, a kind of arena, and begin to compete with each other to impress the females and attract them to, in order to mate with them eventually. Females expect this view; They decide which partner to choose according pillow to its display quality, and males never chase the females in anticipation of mating. In Kakapo not formed a relationship, and the purpose of acquaintance is mating only.
During the mating period females pillow leave their normal territories favor amplified regions - mountain ranges and hills - there are scenes H"lk "and mating. These areas may be just over 7 miles from the ordinary living of Kakapo. The males remain at the scene of polish throughout the courtship and mating season. At the beginning of this season the males will fight them to impress
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