Monday, April 28, 2014

Entrance morgana build to the house is decorated with mosaic panels, manufactured in the workshop V

Manor FO Shechtel in Ermolaevsky Lane The project "Way out" Cultural morgana build Heritage Day in April 18 I was able to visit the house of Fyodor Osipovich Shechtel located in Ermolaevsky Lane. This home is in pseudo-Gothic style was built in 1896 by the architect for his family. He lived there for about 14 years.
In the heart of a site in 1904 was completed Schechtel additional volume of the house, as well as a small shopping annexe. Its decoration morgana build is a panel depicting morgana build a snarling lion and his symmetrical morgana build circular window on the first floor. Perhaps the lion symbolizes the name of the architect's son, Leo, born in 1892, and maybe - zodiac sign of the Shechtel.
Entrance morgana build to the house is decorated with mosaic panels, manufactured in the workshop VA Frolova F.Shehtelya the sketch, featuring morgana build favorite flower Nouveau - iris - in three life stages: bud, flowering and decay, as well as the characters morgana build "96", which is the year of a house, and the "S" - "Shektel" - the initial letter the names of the architect.
And finally we get inside the mansion. In the hexagonal morgana build tower is a grand entrance with a magnificent morgana build massive door. Impossible to imagine a Gothic castle without stained glass windows, and this house is no exception: immediately at the entrance there is a small window in the upper part of which medallions depict a man and a woman in a medieval style. Floor hallway lined metlahskoy tiles.
Lancet arch fall through the lobby and see more gothic elements: and wooden panels, and mirror frame, reminiscent of a passage in a medieval fortress, and stained glass windows. Incidentally, stained glass pattern is repeated later in the ornament, using an architect in his own house on the Big Garden.
By FO Shechtel morgana build here preserved forged grating masks depicting dwarfs, which recreated the motif pattern lattice Church of the Saviour in the Kremlin Palace. Grating separates the living morgana build room from the stairs leading to the second floor.
FO Shekhtel in their buildings paid great attention to detail and interiors. There remained a whimsical chandelier, made by his sketches, covers which are held fabulous animals: not the dragons, not gargoyles.
And from the dining room, you can get back into the living room, with which I began. On this journey has ended and the estate morgana build undergoing morgana build a medieval world and left a very good impression. References: 1. Architectural Heritage of Russia. Fedor Shekhtel - E. Kirichenko
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