Wednesday, April 16, 2014

50 km south of Trat, near the narrow strip of Thailand, only one kilometer wide, has a fishing vill

Mr. Chin: Bangkok May Rod | Sanok, a blog about food Thai - Thai food called Search Engine
One of the tasks of the harder work on the book "Sanok" was to find the right people to do me acquainted with local cuisine in which I wanted to write. My main obstacle was the language - my cellular level shabby shameful, and the only issue that I can carry on a conversation he eats. I spent more time learning the names of vegetables than the right way to answer console the question where I come from.
What helped me in finding cooks whose stories appear in the book was the fact that the cells are highly dynamic in choosing their residential locations console and often they move from province console to province to another race livelihood - which means that wherever there are people from everywhere. Some of the people that appear in the book I met in residence while working console on the book - Trat Province in the south east of the country, but they came to it from somewhere else, I chose to focus on the book. One of these people is Chin, known as Mr. Chin needs respect.
Mr. Chin, who grew up in Bangkok area near Chinatown, I met online when I was looking for a place to host visiting family. Between Trat and a border with Cambodia called Haad Lek (Had Lek), there are some nice beaches and quiet, look almost European because the bays decorated trees, casuarina and the mountain range on the horizon, behind which is in Cambodia (view all images related to the section on Qin, see Gallery replaced right side up).
50 km south of Trat, near the narrow strip of Thailand, only one kilometer wide, has a fishing village named May Road. Chin has a guest house (Mai Rood resort) on the beach at one end of the village, and to reach it should go for a walk on narrow paths built over the water (most of the trails are now made of concrete. every time a path rotting wood, replace it with concrete.) that walking is nothing for tourists, but to the cells, like get the car up to their room, it is a serious drawback. entrance to the village you can find a taxi - a motorcycle that can bring guests to the guest house if they are not too large suitcases. whether they have large suitcases, the guest house can send someone with a cart to help pilfering.
Chin is Thailand only six months a year, from November to April (the beginning of the tourist season to Thai New Year), and this time it rotates among the houses and business in several provinces in Thailand (Bangkok, Mokdan, Nan). May his place pink open all year round. Bathing beach adjacent to the guest house is not recommended, console but it has a tiny pool and great beach just fifteen minutes walk. The village itself is quite modest - Hard to find massages or restaurants (there Sharkia simple entrance and another family console or two when they decide by sex whether to day food or not), but you can buy snacks, alcohol and ice cream in one of the grocery stores are numerous, and eat the other meals guest house.
One of the regulars at a tiny Japanese Chin is named Yoshi dimensions, lived there a few months a year. Yoshi is responsible for the fact that the appraiser Pink is one of the most fishing console villages clean and least smelly there, and this he does with biological cleaning technology, called console "EM", based on bacterial culture that can also prepare in yogurt and bread. The bacteria eat the sludge resting on the seabed through the countryside - it sludge responsible for most cases give off a strong odor fishing villages. Yoshi divided the villagers in this culture free for a long time. Not to have won Klong Yai District Youth Prize special green area cleaning activities.
Qin speak good English and his deep understanding of food helped me whenever I had a question I could not get an answer elsewhere. One of the first recipes I got from him and I could not squeeze into the book was the shrimp with salt - minimalist and simple dish, but to enjoy fresh shrimp have high quality and Israel that makes it only the rich dish, so she's missing from the book. Should also willingness to dirty his fingers while eating - that the shell sticking console to the shrimp console while cooking. Shrimp with salt
Another dish that always fun to eat at Chin and went into the book is a pop-up fish fish sauce and scallions. The cells in the center like to use this fish dish called Pla insi, kind of Charlemagne (King macarel), white sea fish quality is no less than a ton, or at Pla krapong, which is a local type of barramundi. Fish stir fried green onion and garlic
Cooking style and ingredients common May Rod belongs console in the center, standing in the middle of Bangkok. Fortunately, Bangkok neighborhood where he grew up as a child Mr. Chin - Chinatown - is one of my favorite console city, so visits there in order to work on the book was pure pleasure. While Chinese food in the main streets of the neighborhood is expensive and a bit bland for those who practice Thai food, but the Thai food there truly outstanding.
If you have come to the neighborhood do not miss a visit to the food market, where you can stock up on necessities, exotic dried you can fly in comfort to Israel. We suggest you experiment also special street stall dishes: console Pan tofu, vegetables and peanuts were recorded console on a hotplate, rice dumplings stuffed with any Chinese (Gui Chai), black-smoked duck, stuffed lotus leaves and steamed, and more.
Off Line
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