Translator guides, I deal with quite a few languages I do not speak - I'm transcribing Hebrew Italian, Czech way to Indian languages, and translates the end-use dictionary any guide. While working, I run into all sorts of interesting effects.
One of them is my friend false (faux amis, or false friends) - words in different languages couch that look or sound similar / the same, but the meaning couch is different. For example, the word Lord (in the sense of the marker) is a friend of the false lord (master, a nobleman). The word solid is a solid false friend. Another example: in Italian, caldo it's hot, and it's English speaking always confuses me cold.
No miracle mucus
Two things come straight to my head: 1. The French publicité, confusing the English-speaking naturally think that publication, but actually it is "advertising." Two. Every Russian-speaking immigrant agree on this classic: Die "Russian Hebrew counterpart, their interpretations overturned, one says" enough "and the other says" Bring ':)
Posted on - by Daniel | March 24, 2011, 10:08
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Please take into a secretary, Nasser, tea and bee. Sounds like a strange directive aimed at establishing a new hive, is not it? This is also false friend pile Czech - Hebrew. Czech court Kachna, liška, neserte u dvora means "duck, fox, to shit a yard" (Well, okay, with a tendency to mistake also that direct face this fact should be Kachno, liško; But my friend deceit Never look a gift the teeth)
Inge, Get Me - I'm also thinking about a post about :) I also translates from French and there should always be vigilant not to fall into the trap ... The example that comes to mind is no longer a trap, but when I learned French took time to internalize that rester a la maison means stay home to rest there.
Spanish escoba = Mtta; Port-escova = Brush Spanish basura = junk; Port-vassoura couch = Mtta Spanish salsa = sauce; Fort, salsa = Parsley Spanish exprimir = squeeze; exprimir = pronounce Spanish brincar = jump; brincar = play and best of all: Spanish exquisito = refined, fine; Port-exquisito = odd, disgusting, ugly both languages, the original meaning was "strange, unusual." Spanish interpretation turned positive side, while Portugal is passed through a reverse ... and with Italian: caldo (Italian = hot), word Inge mentioned earlier, couch in Spanish means "broth". And it ... just a Nutshell
Correction: No Hama 'but' bread '. There is no reason to add the Aleph end.
Posted on - by Neiman | March 24, 2011, 14:17
What am I here for forgiveness? Czech sucker, meaning frajer is not just Boifrnd, but even a "hunk". I do not know if this is related or not to the German couch freiherr (Gender Baron), but if so or not, it's nice to think about Freiherr sucker sucker.
I do not know Polish or Russian, but something I remember Criticism of my mentor Aminadav Dickman on the translation of the song - it turns out that running sounds very similar (Zfumshu not remember couch exactly), but in Russian couch it means' to remember 'and Polish' forget ...
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Posted on - Lior Keinan | March 24, 2011, 16:40
There are plenty of those between English and Spanish. One of the classic examples it carpeta (binder) Americans tend to confuse with Carpet, but my favorite two are the most Constipado (chilled) compared Constipated (suffering from constipation) and Embarazada (gestational) compared Embarrassed (embarrassed / A), the latter amusing.
Hungarian friends here in England asked me how to say in Hebrew, basic things couch like hello, how are you and stuff, and roared with laughter when they heard me say "how are you" - it turns out that it sounds like "you're lazy" in Hungarian.
Posted on - by me | March 27, 2011, 11:49
Right! I dearly love them both. The Romanian sometime I need to improve, but the Italian I want to learn from scratch. Someday ... I once heard a story about a Romanian word its meaning is very smooth but not Italian. I have no idea if this is true, but I'll write you about this opportunity email. :)
Incidentally Italian, beware when they say the word casino in Italian, that there is a meaning if the word Bmlail couch thinkers couch or syllable. This one "gambling house" and second is "a brothel" (I never remember which is which).
And camera does not really count, I believe that non of here just grew the word to the camera, what-camera obscura, which of that he was a dark room (with a small pinhole when the lights went way, the picture becomes of what the outside was projected on the wall, and painters could copy it), and the first cameras couch were kind of small-scale replica of his (with light-sensitive materials rather than painted flesh - and blood). English and maintained a similar form of that word for word chamber.
Israeli sign language sign L"hrmn "(yes, horny.) Is a British sign language sign-hunger" (it may be tangential, but still, it created a lot of embarrassing situations * My father traveled with groups of deaf England)
The response of batem (also her blog refuses to give the option comment, for some reason):
Know it! When my father read the Harry Potter He roared with laughter on the form of "Fleur Delacour" couch - "Flower yard" in French, "Feller ass" in Romanian. It's funny funniest when Grandpa showed that the country town called Rahat Rahat - Romania, "Shit."
English gift = gift.
Bank word has other meanings in addition to the German bank is also the English bench this bank of the river and Romanian banc example is a joke, although it is likely couch that the source words only differ in their sound similar
One. Gumma Swedish it from an old woman, even in such a witch, and a small hole. Two. Kors, cross, would just like Hamill
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