Monday, April 21, 2014

Italy: a controlled combination of running for extended periods of time be called

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Training method Hfrtlk (Speed games) is characterized by frequent changes of distances and error rates within one training unit. Fartlek training session effectively combine aerobic and anaerobic, speed endurance, endurance pace, strength and endurance capabilities of various unwanted reactions run under competitive fat boy conditions.
"Lead": Fartlek training session can be used to build basic fitness preparation period and improve later in the season depending unique requirements of the trainee, both personal and sports team sports such as various ball games. Fartlek training session allows the coach to be creative in his work - incorporate various principles of the theory of free training framework and open, away from the rectangle (with arches) of the stadium.
Frtlk means playing speed (Fart - Speed; lek - a game). This training method is appropriate for each runner - professional and amateur alike, fat boy of every age and level and all distances - short runs to marathon or more. In 1930 the inventor is the Swedish coach Gosta Hulmr (Gosta Holmer, 1891-1983). Paavo Nurmi, the legendary Finnish fat boy runner, adopted the method and developed it, and it helped him to achieve stunning first half of the last century.
On - according to the original model of Hulmr, Fartlek training session includes a variety of types of runs and at different rates: fat boy heating up to 10 minutes runs of 1500 to 2000 m at rate medium to fast brisk walk to recovery for 5 minutes jogging combined album very fast of 50 - 60 m to the point of fatigue simulation modes Competition - hacks or escapes adversary or pursuit error increases (175-200 m) at full speed (strength endurance) normal running hacking 'Ftaomit', extemporaneously, for 60 seconds.
This model can be seen in a variety of training features. All are in fact part of a cycle training = 'Set', (you can combine fat boy multiple practice 'sets, 2-4 and all' set 'will take about 10 - 15 minutes). Indeed, many countries trainers fat boy developed Hfrtlk variety of interesting directions (see below).
((Repetition method - returning fat boy 'Nrhbot' (extensive,), fat boy ie, long and relatively mild and reps high intensity (intensity) - short and relatively quick. Every back accompanied by a time-out (interval) recovery (active usually): walking, running very easy, Jogging, running at a medium pace or fast enough, all in accordance with the purposes of training, rehearsal trees, the athlete's fitness and age. assessment Competition
(Competition test). In this method the trainee checks himself through a combination fat boy of test runs for various distances, fat boy which are supposed to determine whether it is ready upcoming important competitions. You can also check the ability of secondary importance competitions distance fat boy non-competitive distance. For example, running 5000 meters will consider himself run 3,000 m to test endurance pace (ability to maintain pace with competition) and / or 1500m speed endurance testing (testing the ability to finish the last km of the run or the second half). fat boy
Wednesday. Design trainee's fat boy personality.
Trainee may choose to distance running training where the coach is not present (but according to the instructions). You can also use Bfrtlk during different race tracks, especially when
Poland: fat boy a combination fat boy of running short distances - up to 100 m; Checking the running technique of middle-distance runners through the practice of 200-150 m; Time control performance between 300 to 1000 m; A combination fat boy of exercises, jumps, throws objects.
Germany: Hacks and algae distance of 40 - 60 m intensity of approximately 85-90% (from 100% to 100 m) and runs recovery Ease of 100-50 m); 300-200 m development pace and technique of sprint; During the traffic pretty fast - the practice of short sprints ability to refine the finish (finish).
Italy: a controlled combination of running for extended periods of time be called 'short', 'medium' and 'long'. Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the Italian model of Hfrtlk plus examples of activities on - according to periods and - according to the areas of expertise of the runners.
8-6 X 2
Recovery - 1 - 2 at a rate 90-93% Mhsh"h
- Determine the pace of recovery beyond this

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