2013 (31) December (1) November (4) GROUP POLARIZATION EFFECTS USE OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ONLINE COMMUNITY INTERNET INTERNET ADDICTION (INTERNET ADDICTION) October (8) January (4) April (3) January (11 ) 2012 (2) October (2) 2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (2) November (2)
Asmarani Shabrina ~ the fetus astrid bi utha blazing flames cahyaningtias ~ ~ ~ BF cahya diamond diamond sabrina friska anjani uswatunnisa ~ ~ fika hazmia ayu sustainable mia mia dance nursuciana wiputri drawer ~ ~ aim princess daughter Rozana drawer Fajrina anggraini ~ ~ oja valderami drawer ~ ami
The Internet provides unlimited resources for 7 x 24 hours each time. Even when the middle of the night when the question arises in your head and intrigued to find answers to these questions, you can directly access the Internet through computers, mobile phones, gadgets you to find the answers.
A lot of people are successful in running a business over the internet. Recognizes that successful internet business by doing business over the internet without even minimal capital capital even with niche markets wider than the real world of business. Some of the potential on the internet which can be used as business fields are: selling products or services online, advertising, affiliate, etc..
Aside from being a source of information, many users are accessing the Internet only to play games, download songs, watch online tv streaming and much more. They search the internet with the intention to seek entertainment as a forum to release their stress from daily activities - day.
Undeniably, drawer the Internet provides access to information that is cheap with all the infinity of news and information source you can get. Nevertheless, the internet rates abroad much cheaper than in Indonesia.
When we remember the time 30 years ago, long-distance communication used by humans to family, friends or acquaintances when it is by mail, money orders (to send money) or even further backward is to use a wire as a means of message sender. Evolving to the crew in 1990, began to evolve in terms of communication efficiency with the phone. drawer After emerging internet, communication can reach far more efficient and practical to the presence of email functions, chat to voice chat that reach up to the rest of the world with a much cheaper cost.
With the development of social networking sites, forums, drawer blogs on the internet so allows you to get to know people of all tribes and nations with ease even without having to meet physically.
Lots of things and examples to explain this and we will take the example of an experience that may have been experienced drawer by your own. Have one when you are traveling at the time but forgot to bring the address of your destination, or even do not know the location drawer of the goal at all? By accessing the information on Google Maps or Google drawer you can find the address, phone number quickly. drawer Even when your family arrives - arrives drawer asking you to send money for emergency purposes when you're on a vacation to the area that is not covered by the ATM machine, etc., you can transfer money via Internet Banking. For some purposes, the Internet can help users for purposes which is urgent. Negative Impact of the Internet
As a container that provides unlimited access to information makes the information available on the internet blend between useful information and do not bring benefits. Some useful information that sometimes is not a bad influence for the user include information that is pornography, gambling sites violence to misleading information.
Lots of internet users are willing to spend up to a day for air-ria facebook, online gaming etc.. The tendency of the Internet will be able to make people lose track of time and become lazy. No wonder today's many cafes or internet cafes that installing cheap internet rates for the use for several hours directly.
Lots of people do not realize, especially for those who sit for long - using computers and the internet can bring bad effects on their health, especially the heart, muscles and blood flow to the body.
If you've lived in the early 90s you certainly remember how a lot of play and spend time with friends - your friends by playing hide and seek, marbles, etc. romp. They are not familiar with the internet at the time. Therefore it can be concluded that the percentage of children wearing glasses at the time less than at present. With a tendency drawer to linger - long did
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