Sunday, February 9, 2014

Bibliography: http://www

2013 (31) December (1) November (4) GROUP POLARIZATION EFFECTS USE OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ONLINE COMMUNITY INTERNET INTERNET ADDICTION (INTERNET ADDICTION) October (8) January (4) April (3) January (11 ) 2012 (2) October (2) 2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (2) November (2)
Asmarani Shabrina ~ the fetus astrid bi utha blazing flames cahyaningtias ~ ~ ~ BF cahya diamond diamond sabrina friska anjani uswatunnisa ~ ~ fika hazmia ayu sustainable mia mia dance nursuciana wiputri fits ~ ~ aim princess daughter Rozana Fajrina anggraini ~ ~ oja valderami ~ ami
Polarization is the tendency toward extreme positions. While the group is a group of people who have a common goal which interact with each other to achieve a common goal, to know each other, and see them as part of the group (Deddy Mulyana, 2005). Polarization is a group of symptoms mengumpulnya group opinion fits on a particular view. Group polarization is the intensification of a pre-existing initial choice group (Baron et al. 1992: 73). The phenomenon of group polarization is the tendency of groups that cause people to change their decision, either to a more thorough, or more to risk. If before the discussion group members have an attitude rather support a specific action, after discussion they will be more strongly support the action. Conversely, if the group members before discussion somewhat oppose certain actions, after discussion they will oppose tougher. Effect of (polarization) polarization group, decisions fits are often made the group more extreme than individual decisions. That's because social comparisons. Not everyone is above average - average. Therefore to mengimbanginnya decision needs to be made much of the opinion of the person.
Bibliography: http://ciielsie.blogspot .com/2012/10/polarisasi-kelompok.html -addiction-disorder.html

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