Sunday, February 9, 2014

e. Last Wicket Until Passing of Finish Line. Bodies kitchen islands thrust forward. Dilangkahkan ba

Sprint hurdles is taking a certain distance by skipping the wicket wicket-high set in race regulations. Movement hurdles, kitchen islands both 110 m hurdles, 200 m, 400 m to 100 m for men or women, this should be done as in sprinting motion.
The first start hurdling is used in a squat start. At the time of going past the goalkeeper, the things that must be considered are: At the time of contrast, waist high and should be lifted far enough away from the goal to be passed. Gumanya to obtain the low road. The knee is in front raised up to an angle of approximately 99-95 degrees, while the back knee straight (starting feet) high with intricate raised.
b. Above Hurdles Attitude Agency. Running gestures at the time was above the goal should be cultivated as low as possible, with a somewhat skewed body forward and knees slightly bent. Feet are used to reject pulled forward with a detour to the side. The state of this leg should remain lifted high, with the aim of giving the freedom to make a step forward to reach that length. Once the front foot past the goal, immediately down to the ground in a straight state. The arm should kitchen islands help balance on the wicket, so it can help get back into position to push forward motion. When in the above goal, he lowers the body forward to keep pushing forward movement.
c. Attitude Body and Foot Movement In Time Landing. On landing, the foot in the straight state. Back with straight legs bent state, still held high in order to move freely forward in an attempt to reach out to make a long stride. Agency lowers forward to help carry the weight.
e. Last Wicket Until Passing of Finish Line. Bodies kitchen islands thrust forward. Dilangkahkan back foot to the front as soon as possible. Running as quickly as possible to cross the finish line with his chest bent forward. kitchen islands
2. Principles of Regulatory Hurdles Run. All hurdles race must be performed on each track, from start to cross the finish kitchen islands line. A participant hurdles that draw out his legs above the horizontal plane of the goal at the time beyond it. In the hurdles kitchen islands race, the number of goal that must be passed by 10 runners there.

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