2013 (31) December (1) November (4) GROUP POLARIZATION EFFECTS USE OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ONLINE COMMUNITY INTERNET sifa INTERNET ADDICTION (INTERNET ADDICTION) October (8) January (4) April (3) January (11 ) 2012 (2) October (2) 2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (2) November (2)
Asmarani Shabrina ~ the fetus astrid bi utha blazing flames cahyaningtias ~ ~ ~ BF cahya diamond sifa diamond sabrina friska anjani uswatunnisa ~ ~ fika hazmia ayu sustainable mia mia dance nursuciana sifa wiputri ~ ~ aim princess daughter Rozana Fajrina anggraini ~ ~ oja valderami ~ ami
In terms word community is derived from the Latin communitas derived from the word communis which means community, public or many people. While the online community is a group of Internet users who have goals, hobbies or other similarity and form a container sifa by using the internet.
Facebook is a social networking site that was launched in February 2004 by Facebook, Inc.. In the facebook sifa users can create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic sifa notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users can join a user group with interests and similarities.
Twitter is a social networking site that is owned and operated by Twitter Inc.., In 2006. Users can send and read messages called chirp (tweets) in the form of written text up to 140 characters displayed on the user profile page. Chirp can be seen outside, but senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list only. Users can look at the chirp of other writers known as followers ("followers"). Kaskus
Kaskus which stands Kasak buzz, is the largest virtual community forum sites and number sifa 1 in Indonesia. Kaskus was born on November 6, 1999, and is managed by PT Darta Media Indonesia. Kaskus has more than 4.5 million users (referred to Kaskuser) registered, which generally come from teenagers to adults who are domiciled in Indonesia or outside Indonesia. sifa Gan in the forums there are some that are shared by each utility, such as LOE-KE-LOE, BUY SELL FORUM, and so forth.
Source: http://dayabisnis-online.blogspot.com/2009/02/bergabung-dengan-komunitas-online.html http://dfootballoverz.blogspot.com/2012/10/komunitas-online-merupakan-bisnis.html http://carapedia.com/pengertian_definisi_online_info2193.html http://aryowidiantoko .blogspot.com/2012/06/review-beberapa-komunitas-online-di.html http://adiprakosa.blogspot.com/2007/12/ sense-communication-kelompok.html
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