Thursday, February 6, 2014

حدثني مالك أنه بلغه أن عبد الله بن مسعود كان يقول عليكم بالصدق فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر والبر يهدي إ

Honest attitude is a positive attitude that everyone must have. However, coffee table at the present time that honesty is scarce / rare thing to come across. In fact, honesty can show kindness road which will lead us to heaven. Like the meaning of the following hadith:
حدثني مالك أنه بلغه أن عبد الله بن مسعود كان يقول عليكم بالصدق فإن الصدق يهدي إلى البر والبر يهدي إلى الجنة وإياكم coffee table والكذب فإن الكذب يهدي إلى الفجور والفجور يهدي إلى النار ألا ترى أنه يقال صدق وبر وكذب وفجر
"Malik told me and conveyed to him that Abdullah ibn Mas'ud once said," Hold fast to honesty! Indeed, it shows the path of good honesty and goodness that deliver to heaven. Beware of you to lie! Indeed, it shows the way lies heresy and apostasy it is delivering to hell. Do you know that he (then) coffee table dubbed as an honest person, the perpetrator goodness, a liar, and the perpetrators of straying? "
Why attitude coffee table honestly it 'important'? because honesty can make us comfortable and peaceful heart. When we tell the truth then there will be no fear that follow, or even concerns about the disclosure of which is not something we say. Someone who is accustomed to telling the truth will feel uncomfortable when he said, lying even once.
As with the lie. Lying is a negative attitude that is not pleasing to Allah. Even the lie can lead us to a path error will eventually lead us to hell. Someone who used to lie will continue to lie to cover the first lie. Even someone who used to lie would be a psychopath. Lying is a vicious cycle that must be hard to stop.
Lying is a big sin. Because lying means violate religious norms. A liar will usually be hard to believe anyone else, because he had lied about something he did / break a promise he made. Therefore, coffee table the importance of an honesty. Even though it is not easy to be honest / honesty apply it in our daily lives. But start trying, from small things, for example:
When you ask your mother money to pay for books on the grounds, but after receiving the money, you instead use it to buy clothes and accessories. The next day your mother asked you, of course you will answer coffee table with a lie. A few days later the mother you know, that actually gave the money to buy books, and what you say is a lie. Then what will happen? Of course your mother will not give you money again, even though the money is to be used to pay for books.
Well, that's one result of the attitude of lying. So ponder, how much harm once did lie. Try to start telling the truth begins from the family environment that is primary to the outside environment, coffee table starting from the closest to the new people we know. Imagine, how wonderful life is when no lie scratch.
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