Sunday, February 2, 2014

Computers provide services as a tutor for a student than an instructor of a group of students, in c

2013 (31) December (1) 3 Journal of Psychology of achievement factors ... November (4) October (8) January gallery furniture (4) April (3) January (11) 2012 (2) October (2) 2011 (1) January (1) 2010 (2) November gallery furniture (2)
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Education, learning, gallery furniture and even children's games on today's gallery furniture highly influenced by Internet technology. Of the three journals that I read that computers can assist learning for students, more and more services are available, the more resources are obtained.
Computers provide services as a tutor for a student than an instructor of a group of students, in computer-assisted learning occurs intensive gallery furniture two-way communication between the student and the computer system.
In addition there are computer tools that can assist in the learning process of students is one of the OHP. Based on the research also use teaching aids such as OHP and projector can also improve learning achievement than not using learning tools at all.
1. The level of intelligence of a person's intelligence can be easily seen from academic achievement at school or university in all subjects. For learners who have a very high intelligence is expected to achieve higher learning achievement than students who have less intelligence. But these factors as determinants bkan mean because gallery furniture there are again a lot of factors that affect.
2. Motivation Motivation is the driving force someone who becomes active at certain times where the person wants to achieve the goal. Motivation itself is divided into 3 parts: internal motivation, external motivation, and achievement motivation.
3. Personality is a dynamic organization of the psychophysical system that dynamically determines how an individual person gallery furniture who can fit in and be part of its own in its environment. This personality can be changed and realized with behavior. gallery furniture
Characteristics Fromm-Reichman is lonely, Lopata, and Young (in Yuniarti, 2002) mentions the characteristic of loneliness is as follows: non-fulfillment of the need for familiarity, gallery furniture perception and evaluation results are less satisfying social relationships, lack of social reinforcement.
The Journal revealed No significant association between loneliness and the learning gallery furniture achievement of students. There is no significant relationship between internet addiction disorder tendency to student achievement. There is no significant relationship gallery furniture between loneliness with internet addiction disorder tendencies in students. There is no role of loneliness and the tendency of Internet addiction disorder significantly to the achievement of students, this study found that the variables of loneliness and internet addiction disorder tendencies together only amounted to 4.20% has a role on student achievement.
The conclusion is the development of information technology affect student achievement. Information technology is a relevant learning media. Not only that, some research suggests that the use and application of information technology to the students' learning process really helps students to process the material that is given so as to improve learning gallery furniture achievement.

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