Training Pact Alfons Puigcerdà "Fifth Session: Desktops (Play Today!)
Today we review the salient concord elements of the desktop (GNOME) Link and then we desktops profiles to view the nursery and primary educational software that is ... and why not? Playing it a good time to find appropriate resources for our students.
When you start distributing links, find a screen that asks for the user name and password. This username and password have been created previously by the administration system you must have provided such data.
Choosing the desktop: This option allows you to choose a desktop session. A list of available desktops and is a n'escull, otherwise choose the last used (default Gnome).
A session is the period of time that passes concord since we started the session (login) until close (logout). Our choices of both language fonts, colors, mouse settings, administration files, programs like OpenOffice concord in a session can be saved for other subsequent sessions.
At the bottom of the windows that are open to us, in the submenu select Stop like leaves, have buttons for Help and Cancel to exit the window or ask for help if you do not know do reach that point.
You can protect a session by clicking on: System | Lock Screen. Then comes into screen saver that must be activated (by default, it is already). In this situation, our session is protected display. To unlock the screen, move your mouse, enter new password and press Enter. The Pact desktop (GNOME)
As in most current desktop operating systems, Link, using the default Gnome desktop, using icons that point to files, folders or programs. These icons are placed in the boxes at the top and bottom of the screen and at the same desk.
* System: In this menu display, you show actions of the operating system such as desktop settings, hardware, personal or system administrator (YaST). Some of them need the root password (root). Also help options, locking, logging out of or shut down your computer.
Along with the enunciation of the main menus, you see icons for Firefox (web browser), OpenOffice (office suite), Gimp (photo editing concord and drawing tools), Nautilus (file browser) concord and Search file.
By default, distribution links, placed on the left side of the screen three icons: the computer, the user's home folder and trash deleted files. If the installation is for other devices (floppy, USB, CD-ROM or DVD ...), these icons are also displayed.
Box (or panel) bottom of the desktop, find, minimized, windows applications have enabled: We can re-open them by clicking on the button corresponding name. On the right side of the bottom bar, there are, in the end, the button to hide all open windows, and a little concord before, the buttons virtual desktops (default 4). The right mouse button on the Preferences button and you can set the number of workspaces. You can go from one desk to another by clicking on each of them.
There is also the button to the left: Computer you can use to locate: Applications, Documents, or Sites quickly and system options in a manner consistent with the openSUSE distribution.
Pressing the right mouse button on an empty space on the desktop, a submenu appears with the options of creating folders, new launchers and documents. It also helps open the terminal and arrange icons by name or rank them. Finally, there is the possibility to change the desktop background. PRACTICAL open a text document in OpenOffice and do a little concord review of each pràctica.Anomeneu and save the file to the folder FORMACIO_LINKAT unit "teachers" server ... you will have created your own folder with your name ) 1.Trobar the difference between "out" and "change concord user"-or argon-prof (hint: try turning the computer in both cases) 2.Trobar the usefulness of different areas of a document or treball.Arrossegar application space to another. (What if they are minimized or not?) 3.Feu a search for a file you have in your home folder drive "teachers" of the server. Which search options have ?) 4.Cada time you insert a blank CD or
Today we review the salient concord elements of the desktop (GNOME) Link and then we desktops profiles to view the nursery and primary educational software that is ... and why not? Playing it a good time to find appropriate resources for our students.
When you start distributing links, find a screen that asks for the user name and password. This username and password have been created previously by the administration system you must have provided such data.
Choosing the desktop: This option allows you to choose a desktop session. A list of available desktops and is a n'escull, otherwise choose the last used (default Gnome).
A session is the period of time that passes concord since we started the session (login) until close (logout). Our choices of both language fonts, colors, mouse settings, administration files, programs like OpenOffice concord in a session can be saved for other subsequent sessions.
At the bottom of the windows that are open to us, in the submenu select Stop like leaves, have buttons for Help and Cancel to exit the window or ask for help if you do not know do reach that point.
You can protect a session by clicking on: System | Lock Screen. Then comes into screen saver that must be activated (by default, it is already). In this situation, our session is protected display. To unlock the screen, move your mouse, enter new password and press Enter. The Pact desktop (GNOME)
As in most current desktop operating systems, Link, using the default Gnome desktop, using icons that point to files, folders or programs. These icons are placed in the boxes at the top and bottom of the screen and at the same desk.
* System: In this menu display, you show actions of the operating system such as desktop settings, hardware, personal or system administrator (YaST). Some of them need the root password (root). Also help options, locking, logging out of or shut down your computer.
Along with the enunciation of the main menus, you see icons for Firefox (web browser), OpenOffice (office suite), Gimp (photo editing concord and drawing tools), Nautilus (file browser) concord and Search file.
By default, distribution links, placed on the left side of the screen three icons: the computer, the user's home folder and trash deleted files. If the installation is for other devices (floppy, USB, CD-ROM or DVD ...), these icons are also displayed.
Box (or panel) bottom of the desktop, find, minimized, windows applications have enabled: We can re-open them by clicking on the button corresponding name. On the right side of the bottom bar, there are, in the end, the button to hide all open windows, and a little concord before, the buttons virtual desktops (default 4). The right mouse button on the Preferences button and you can set the number of workspaces. You can go from one desk to another by clicking on each of them.
There is also the button to the left: Computer you can use to locate: Applications, Documents, or Sites quickly and system options in a manner consistent with the openSUSE distribution.
Pressing the right mouse button on an empty space on the desktop, a submenu appears with the options of creating folders, new launchers and documents. It also helps open the terminal and arrange icons by name or rank them. Finally, there is the possibility to change the desktop background. PRACTICAL open a text document in OpenOffice and do a little concord review of each pràctica.Anomeneu and save the file to the folder FORMACIO_LINKAT unit "teachers" server ... you will have created your own folder with your name ) 1.Trobar the difference between "out" and "change concord user"-or argon-prof (hint: try turning the computer in both cases) 2.Trobar the usefulness of different areas of a document or treball.Arrossegar application space to another. (What if they are minimized or not?) 3.Feu a search for a file you have in your home folder drive "teachers" of the server. Which search options have ?) 4.Cada time you insert a blank CD or
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