Although the award is just recognition and pleasure that your desktop is shown in this post, team are very grateful for your participation, I have enjoyed many different desktops although the first time this competition was done without further delay teach step 5 in my opinion deserve to be taught, however I would say that the standard has been raised and that all desks are worthy of being in this entry.
User: Ekron system: enza mobilya Ubuntu 04.10 Window: The Days of Grays Icons: Faenza Dark Source Font: Ubuntu enza mobilya Compiz Fusion: On the Docks: AWN top and bottom Other: Conky Colors right, Nautilus-Elementary, Lower Dock Icons " Flurry enza mobilya icons
User: Ertek Distro: Ubuntu 04.10 Icons: wild-shine Theme: Bamboo-Zen Dock: Docky Compiz: If the clock there is the "MacSlow's Cairo-Clock" enza mobilya User: John Distro: Ubuntu 04.10 Desktop: Gnome Theme: Ambiance Dock : Doky User: Ender widg system: Ubuntu 9.10 Icons: LagaDesk III blackwhite Theme: Chany Mouse: Obsidian Wallpaper: dream-with (Simple Desktops) Other: Conky on top and bottom, mode "panel"-Cover Thumbnail for covers DockBarX-list for windows User: Mark Distro: Arch Linux Desktop: Fluxbox Theme: Zakeba (Modified) Other: Conky
About Aitor Ruano Miralles Starting Degree in Science and Technology in Telecommunications ETSETB the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. Great fan of computers, especially programming and free software like GNU / Linux
October 25, 2010 at 16:52
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Norbert - BitBuit in LXDE and Razor-Qt merge Excellent news! I worked a short time with LXDE and personally I do not like ... Peace LXDE and Razor-Qt merge Yes .. what happens is that the desktop environment is not everything. Distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora ... Pol LXDE and Razor-Qt merge see if we achieve a lightweight desktop environment really modern and functional. Canonical launches peace "Ubuntu Edge" campaign crowdfunding campaign to raise $ 32 million Hhahaha effectively Unity is ... Daniel on Canonical launches "Ubuntu Edge" campaign crowdfunding campaign to raise $ 32 million to have a truly mobile ... A random 64-bit Ubuntu is really faster than 32-bit version The Unity: very intrusive and difficult to maintain Categories
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