Corridor await classmates. Ghost In Dzeko and have found a couple of other rooms and have destroyed some equipment crossing experiments related mutation.
M'avanço toward them, followed by Tau in Petrograd and Pollux. The botcàmera floats around me like a hindrance, and I get rid activating your system free will. In Pollux back exercise leader, taking control of the situation. casa rusu
-There are only two laboratories, and central door of the hall. Divide us again. Dzeko and Jupiter in the laboratory on the left. Ghost Wave, right. Tau me. We will overview the other chambers if we missed something happened.
I go to the lab to be assigned to me, followed by Ghost. Room looks bigger than the other, much more machinery and equipment strangers. There are large conservation tank full of clear liquid and gelatinous. Many of them are empty, but the last two contain anything that moves. I immediately returned botcàmera So maybe what we see is irrefutable evidence of the experiments in the group of ultrahumanista Pavlichenko.
Suddenly, a noise like dragging my attention and I see a kind of knife falls to the ground, moments before they must be on a line of desktops. Focus all my attention on that corner. Everything is static, and that we are alone in the lab, but that can not be dropped chance.
She leans against a large white cabinet full of glass jars and test tubes, pointing to the place he indicated with his eyes. And I approach casa rusu quietly to the desk where he dropped the knife. I feel like a new fregadissa as canvas crawling casa rusu on the floor. M'ajupo to look behind a shelf a second before seeing like a second knife down. The screen casa rusu wobbles a bit, as if somebody below. The Ghost looks at me with eyes alert, alert to any movement around me.
Decide casa rusu to act first and surprise was hiding there before I step out and I pull some of the tools for cutting back. They do a gesture to the Ghost to tell you that I will be ready, and I throw it to the other side of the screen by jumping on. I fall on top of something soft crying and moving her arms esparveradament, while trying to nail me a small knife dissection. The man, wearing a white coat of science, not to gesticulate and sobbed hysterically, throwing knives into the air until you hit in the face with the hilt of the weapon. Then curl up against the desk like a wounded animal and threatens me hold the knife, still overwhelmed me with their cries. But no escape and knows. We plug the gun in my mouth that PG77 street, and I see almost slipping from his eyes Asian basins. Then I realize who it is.
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