KDE Community is preparing to transition to the new version of the Qt libraries to take advantage of step 5 and make some changes. For starters, is redesigning the structure of the KDE libraries couch potato to make them reusable modular and easily without the need to drag the whole entire library. The result of this process will say that KDE Frameworks couch potato 5, a number of libraries organized by levels and categories.
Each level has a Framework couch potato (Tier) and type according to the dependencies and the level of integration. couch potato This change will help desks and other applications based on Qt using part of the KDE libraries without compromising the lightness.
With this change also be taken to finish the deployment process that began in 2009. This conceptual change is to differentiate what is KDE (community people), what are the technologies that produce (or KDE Frameworks 5 Platform in the future) applications are used (KDE applications) and desktops that produce (KDE Plasma Desktop / Netbook / Active).
Remains to be seen what will happen but it is possible that future releases do not be coordinated by all parties that produces the KDE community and applications, desktops and libraries follow different calendars according to their needs. While preparing the transition to Frameworks 5 is not released more versions of the desktops and will support the latest released version, couch potato the 4:11, for 2 years. Expected the first version of Qt based desktop 5 5 Frameworks for 2014 and probably named Plasma 2. Applications will be releasing as before using the same version numbering (4:12, 4:13 ...) but is being evaluated to reduce the time between releases. Do not know when will jump to the new libraries but most likely will go by slowly.
Be seen whether these changes firmly established and have consequences beyond KDE. It will also be interesting to see if the community learned the lessons of the transition to KDE 4 and quest once the change is not so traumatic.
I'm glad to see this news gnulinux.cat! Know that much of the work that is being done here http://www.proli.net/2013/09/06/kde-4-12-kde-frameworks-5-and-barcelona/
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