"At Home", 2012 Mystery, thriller, literary Manufacturer Country: France Language: French Runtime: 105 min Stars: fab Fabrice Luchini, fab Ernst Umhauer, Kristin Scott Thomas Director: François Ozon Budget: 9.2 million euros Content: fab The film tells the 16-year-old school boy who injects himself with his school friend of family life and begins to write essays on the subject of your French language teacher. The teacher finds a boy in the form of a literary fab genius and rediscovers his work motiovatsiooni, but the boy's motivation and enthusiasm to write generate a lot of situations, but getting out of control. France is one place in the world where something can not come back to me after a bad film. Cinematograph films do not charge at all to talk about, they are world class, but also ordinary DVD and TV movies are usually dripping talent that envy is a big minus. In his ten or so years ago when I started to write about different things, especially in poetry, I got the inspiration for nearly 90% of French films. Their dark undertones and intelligent contents, they do kullafondiks fab inspiration. It certainly does not say that other countries do not do this, definitely not. Japan, Germany, Spain, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Brazil and the UK are producing first-class all the movies belonging. Unfortunately, can not imagine how much these movies goes past me and the entire audience over a small globe. One of my salalemmikuid film types are literary films like "Dead Poets Society" (1989), "Finding Forrester" fab (2000), fab "The Great Debaters" (2007). Although nowadays the world where every sheep could write a book without having to share with all going on around him, still believe that literature is an expression of the intellect, and the only real way of teaching. Be sure to have a plan in itself never gotten published a variety of books on different subjects. Another reason why I drew "In the House" ("Dans la Maison" 2012) was a half of his division as a thriller. I love thrillers. The film brings viewers fab François Ozon ("Sous le Sable" 2000 Charlotte Rampling), who is familiar to me from the movie "Under fab the Sand" ("Sous le Sable" 2000). I just happened to see this movie ever ETV from a relative the night, fab and who have not yet seen it, you will definitely throw at it. The film has several significant role, even too much of a movie, but miraculously, it works beautifully. Fabrice Luchini embodies the French language teachers ("Paris" in 2008), his wife, Kristin fab Scott Thomas familiar Hollywood ("The English Patient" 1999), the young students and literature enthusiasts Calude'i embodies Ernst Umhauer ("The Monk," fab 2011), an action Bastien Ughetto baby of the family, and embodies the mysterious fab lady of the house embodies sexual, another Hollywood actor Emmanuelle Seigner ("The Ninth Gate" in 1999, "Frantic", 1988). The film tells a student, a young 16-year-old boy and his teacher, teaching tired and writer nuts, Germain fab (Luchini) ratio. Everything starts one day when Germain gives children a task to write an essay on its activities over the weekend. Assessing later, all the students work, and doing so against their will and skill to write, he gets along with his wife Jeanne (Thomas) to read an essay titled "Dans la Maison" fab (inside the house), fab which tells the student Calude (Umhauer) weekend their classmate Rapha (Ughetto) home and their family. Essay descriptions and use of the word boy is great and the story is kaasatõmbav, but its contents will Germain and his wife a little concerned because the descriptions and observations of mother of the family, as well as his motive in that house for, is disturbing. The boy ends his essay by the words "ongoing". Initially this Germain do not enlarge, but if the guy gives him a new writing next week without Germain fab to the task of continuing where you left off last time, the man shoots himself in the boy's hand to pull. It will look like a kid talent that he himself was missing, and takes her wing to teach him everything he knows. As Jeanne also read all the works of children Germain, Germain warns him that the boy would be cautious, but Germain ignores the recommendations of his wife. Constantly giving Claude'ile new tasks to develop their characters are going to change the boy's fab essays Germain and uncomfortable for the man will not be able to understand fab more of the boy's writings is real and what is fiction. Trying to finish their work Claude'iga, Germain will happen fab in life, and the boy's essays of the things that will set everything in life Germain's head. Claude: "I fab need my characters to do what I Write Them To Do!" Germain: "If They are real life people?" Claude: "Makes no difference to me ..."
It is a psychological thriller that gathers its strength from strong stseenaariumist. The screenplay is sometimes so complicated that it can not explain to himself in any way. Is a satirical's novel, is a sexual psychiatric the work, the work is a literary, it is a story of becoming a man ... or all of them together in a nice compote. The film revolves around the theme of a number of very skillfully
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