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Blog Forum TheChouan the Kingdom oka of France Institute of the House of Bourbon Institute of Historical Sciences Institute Duke of Anjou The Royal Gazette (UCLF) Self Defence Legitimist The Holy legitimist Manifesto For God and the King Texts Vexilla Regis Union Circles legitimists of France Viveleroy
The arms, emblematic unrivaled system, were born in France in the first half of the twelfth century and quickly spread to the rest of Europe and eventually far beyond. It is easy to convince oneself seeking oka the arms of the various states of the world and observing the importance of the influence of initial heraldic system. This allows us to recognize oka immediately the astounding paradox that makes France the only Western oka country oka that no longer has arms of State since September 1870 and the beginning of the Third Republic. We will soon have to explain it in detail and to point the finger oka at this face deliberately concealed the identity of France.
By Capetian dynasties, it means all the princes from the male side of Hugh Capet, by legitimate lines that is to say as a result of marital unions oka consecrated by the sacrament of marriage (thus excluding that not only illegitimate children but also those that have been designed oka or were born before the marriage of their parents).
All these dynasties down today after extinction of the other branches (Dreux and Courtenay), Louis XIII. They form a single, divided into several branches, and Louis XIV officially appointed in February 1662 (Treaty of Montmartre) the august house of Bourbon, after it was called, from the late thirteenth century , home of the King of France or France home. The Royal Almanac 1830 (during the reign of Charles X) also grouped under this name, and in the order of primogeniture, oka all the rulers oka of France, Spain, the Two Sicilies and Lucca (Parma ). Thus we can say without any contradiction is possible (from text to support this assertion are numerous and compelling), it has never been a national independent houses. Interdependence was, however, consistently since Louis XIV and examples that show are legion (the respective responsibilities of the Orders of St. Michael and the Holy Spirit in one direction as the Golden Fleece in the other, according to the rules of use vis-à-vis the son of France and Spain infants, pacts successive family, despite sometimes conflicting relationships made by the European political situation under the regency of Philippe d'Orléans or the reign Louis XV). To the call of Louis XVI to his cousin Charles IV of Spain in October 1789 ("I chose your Majesty as head of the second oka branch to deposit in your hands the solemn protest that I raise against all acts contrary to the royal authority were ripped me by force since July 15 ... ") or protest of Charles X in April 1830 against the pragmatics of Ferdinand VII changed the law of succession in Spain (and even if the now recognized oka that the decision of Ferdinand VII in favor of his daughter Isabella, is one of the essential elements that made obsolete waivers Utrecht!).
Thus defined, the house of Bourbon has two branches and a few lines. We will present the full and broken arms when they exist, which will easily locate each dynast and understand oka their place in this illustrious house. We will discover, if need be, why Gerard de Nerval could write: "The bla
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