Tuesday, November 19, 2013

South of France but also initiates promotional activities for the general public, with the help of

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La Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon in China, based in Shanghai for almost seven years, working to find a French region increasingly popular with Chinese tourists: the Languedoc Roussillon. It also plays the role of a commercial platform for French companies specialized in the cultivation area and export ...
Home page News News House of the Languedoc-Roussillon region in the service of "South of France" in ...
La Maison du Languedoc-Roussillon in China, based in Shanghai for almost seven years, working to find a French region increasingly popular with Chinese bar stools tourists: the Languedoc bar stools Roussillon. It also plays the role of a commercial platform for French companies in the region specializing in the cultivation and export of wine, which, through southern France, can take advantage of the tremendous growth of the Chinese domestic market. Fluent in French and has studied at Montpellier, Yiran Liu, director of the South of France agency is doubly related to Languedoc-Roussillon emotionally and professionally. Indeed, Ms. Liu worked for nearly nine years for Southern France, a region that knows and appreciates particularly.
Opened November 3, 2007, the first mission bar stools of the House of the Languedoc-Roussillon region in Shanghai, was to encourage the development of businesses in the Languedoc-Roussillon in China, bar stools especially those specializing in the exploitation and marketing of wines. The House took over the organization of trade fairs and promotional offered them a platform in Shanghai, including offering free disposal of their offices where host LIFE, trainees or representatives so that they gain an understanding of specific bar stools market Chinese. Then she quickly opened its doors to high technology companies in the region Languedoc-Roussillon wishing to establish partnerships with Chinese companies. Finally, the promotion of tourism in the region came in a third time in 2012.
It was Georges Freche, avid China, which in 2006 began to promote this dynamic promotion of all the highlights from the region and points, centralizing these axes around a single platform bar stools and under one label: Sud de France Développement. We have established many partnerships with local travel agencies that now sell circuits in the south of France. The House also organizes bar stools many "P2P" activities with Chinese companies specialized in importing wine or tourist trips, which, through its official status, enjoys significant credibility with them.
The House of the Languedoc-Roussillon region strives to work in partnership with French companies operating in China. "We invite the French companies like Carrefour or Perrier to events we organize," said the director, Liu Yiran. However, its main partners and customers residing Chinese is with Chinese partners - including coverage of local market is large - the links are the most numerous, such as the wine import business. Trips for large companies bar stools specializing in travel are organized, when they, wishing to explore the sights of the historic heritage of the Languedoc-Roussillon, take the tie southern France. Each year tens of wine importers groups visiting the region to identify and purchase products and sightseeing.
South of France but also initiates promotional activities for the general public, with the help of partners like Carrefour, for example, and in a number of Chinese cities. Indeed, the Languedoc-Roussillon region, although it is not as known as Paris or Nice Chinese public, arouses the curiosity of many tourists who see potential in this region a typical bar stools French place that has retained its authenticity and, therefore, are

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