Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Remember to be careful when you rinse out the conditioner the first two times and shamponeringen so

Heej and welcome here to my blog! I am a girl from Gothenburg, born in 1997, and in my blog you can read about a lot of things. inspiration, tips, collages, recipes, shopping, outfits, my family etc. I hope there's something here that attracts you to stay and, above all, I hope you feel comfortable here. HUG!
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Anyway I will tell you a bit how the oil works in my hair! (The bottle castor oil can be purchased at the pharmacy / Health food store for approx. SEK 50) You can also use it on your eyebrows and eyelashes, I've tried on the lashes with the help of a Topps as gear oil, and it really works (! )
Now I do not Use the Point it in a long time but will start again now actually since I last seen much difference. Around about. 2-3 times a week I applied the oil on the scalp and worked out the hair, took the dog the rest that were in his hands and pulled out at the peaks more, it should not be there, they mostly are supposed to enter the scalp. Then I let it lie in the hair between 45 minutes to 1h. Then, just to wash out and then I start adding in conditioner in HARRT which dissolves the oil well, then I rinse it out, then another round with conditioner evkur and then rinse it out, then I shamponerar evkur hair and rinse out, and then wrap or conditioner again, evkur rinse out and that's it.
Remember to be careful when you rinse out the conditioner the first two times and shamponeringen so the oil really disappears otherwise evkur you have to walk around with his hair that looks fat out which is not fun. Then I just spray a little conditioner in your hair by Paul Mitchell that I use daily when I wash my hair and then håroljan from Maroccan oil. Repeat this 2-3 times a week and after two weeks you will see a difference, do not forget to take before evkur & after pictures ;)

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