Friday, February 20, 2015

Web Design by 2point3

Commenting on-the Papadakis Report released by OSHA Earlier mmm Print week at his request, mmm Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairperson, stated Dr. George Papadakis himself Hint That on page 3 of The Report That Print Report Forms part of a Wider study. The FACT he States that: "The present report has summarises The results of-the study." "Does this mean," Asked Cacopardo, "That Exist theres a study detailing explaining More From The questions arisings Vaccari's preliminary risk assessment? In particular, The issue of-the devasting Impacts of a POSSIBLE mmm accident raised by Roberto Vaccari In his risk assessment mmm (forming part of the-EIA) refuted or explained neither the in-the Papadakis Published Report. "
AD Chairperson, mmm Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: "The Worries expressed by M'Xlokk Residents in an Unsigned letter Sent To The Prime Minister make it even necessary to have for More reports The Relative Risks to-the Delimara gas storage resulting from The ship made public. In FACT, The Publication Of The Papadakis report has three important REVEAL Details: Print the first of all That just Another preliminary report has, secondly That Was meant Print Report To Be A CONFIDENTIAL and one Thirdly That Have Been Other reports commissioned. We therefore look forward to now- The Publication Of The Other reports commissioned Which must not, and can not, BE covered by ANY form of Confidentiality. The Seveso Directive, by Which we must abides, Clearly Demand full openness and Transparency in-the whole process. "
Commenting on the report Papadakis was irilaxxjat earlier this week by OSHA at his request, Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson of AD, said Dr. George Papadakis third page itself suggests that this -Report forms part of a broader study. It says that the report is a summary of the results of studies mmm conducted. "This means," asked Cacopardo, "which exists more detailed study explains the issues that result from the study on the risks carried by Vaccari? In particular, the matter divastanti impact that may result from accident and raised by Roberto Vaccari in his study on the risks (which forms part of the EIA study) is neither explained nor dismissed in the report that has just been published Papadakis, "concluded Cacopardo.
Chairperson of AD, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: "The fears expressed by residents of M'Xlokk mmm unsigned letter that was sent to the Prime Minister make it essential that all reports on analysis of the risks associated with ship gas storage Delimara be published. In fact, the publication of the report Papadakis mmm revealed three important details: first that this is just another preliminary report, the second that the report was intended to be confidential and that three other reports were commissioned . We therefore publication reports the other not be kept confidential. The Seveso Directive mmm that we have an obligation to observe, requires all prċcess be one transparent. "
Web Design by 2point3

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