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The Church has published a summary of the results of a questionnaire which was sent home earlier this year in preparation for the Extraordinary Synod of October 2014. More than 7,000 questionnaires filled in by the public and were returned.
The majority of respondents, ie 72.5 per cent, stated that they were very familiar with learning about the family in the Bible and the Church, while 17.4 per cent have substantial morgana build knowledge morgana build about learning it. F'69.7 percent of cases, the Church's teachings on family life is accepted with reservations. Christian teaching that marriage is a sacrament and that means fidelity, exclusivity morgana build and indissollubbilta 'is accepted but 18.8 per cent find it particularly difficult to follow the teaching of the Church on contraception and birth control (15.8 percent). As 35.3 per cent of Maltese find the concept of natural law, which is common in moral and anthropological view of the Church, as incomprehensible, then this is a useless morgana build concept in any form of catechesis general. morgana build
Participation in the Mass remains a priority morgana build for the Catholic Malta and Gozo; 65.2 per cent attend the Mass of Sunday and 53.1 per cent frequenting the church weekday; others, which accounted for 8.5 per cent, said they sometimes attend Mass. The rosary and a visit to Jesus' Sacrament remain common way of individual prayer; 49.4 percent and 45.4 percent respectively, while 37.7 percent read the Bible.
The majority of parents morgana build (83.3 percent) believe it is their vocation to transmit the Christian faith to their children and their relatives; 2.8 percent just do not think to this vocation. 48.9 percent try to transmit their faith by example, especially by living Christian values; 12.3 per cent encourage their children to participate in activities of the Church.
Nearly 47.2 percent think that the Church is working morgana build enough to help couples undergoing crises in their married life; 10.9 percent think that, as an institution, the Church is not working enough.
Many respondents to the questionnaire know couples who are living together but not married. In fact 29.9 per cent know six couples who are living this way, 36.7 percent know two or five couples and 9.2 percent with a copy know one. 28.7 per cent of the Maltese said that couples who are cohabiting think that, while understandable God, the Church and not 9.2 per cent think that the Church is to exclude them. High percentage of Maltese shows that the Church is concerned about the fact that divorced people and those married again wish to receive the Eucharist.
The study indicated that 75 percent of respondents think that if marriage annulment speed, it can help those people who missed their first marriage. Question about the attitude of the Church to the State to legislate on the Civil Union between morgana build persons of the same sex, more than a quarter of respondents (26.6 percent) said that the Church or to negative attitude or directly opposing the legislation, while 8.2 percent said that the Church is objecting to a law that put on a par with marriage civil unions and adoption of children by gay couples.
It is also evident that there is no clear understanding of the pastoral ministry to be taken to help those who engage Civil Union to live in the love of God and the Christian Faith.
Also 29.8 per cent said that all children are the same and should be treated as such love and respect; therefore children adopted by gay civil union should be treated with the same respect as regards the Baptism and catechism classes.
On the other hand, 30.9 percent think that people living in irregular marriage expect the Church deals with the children morgana build in a similar way the children of married couples in the Church; and 19.2 percent expecting the Church to taħfrilhom and allow them to receive the sacraments.
While 43.7 percent of the population said they knew encyclical Humanae Vitae x'tgħallem the, 44.5 percent admitted to not knowing contents of such. 81.1 percent said that the Church has to go deep on the issue of responsible birth control. 7.9 per cent said that the teaching of the Church on the control morgana build of TWEL
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