Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A sample shelving of the same insidious policy demonstrated Lebedko October 25, 2006 during an onli> Belarusian Solidarity "Lyabedkava sofa
Radio Liberty journalists trying to revive political figure Lebedko. In recent years, almost every day this person appears on the air. An apparent attempt to pull it to the "one leader" shelving pro-Moscow shelving opposition.
We have an opportunity to see how the competition unfolded between the bureaucracy of the European Union and gebistskoy Moscow for "leadership" together they created the pro-Moscow "opposition." Some have their own "democracy" Milinkevich, others are testing this "post" Lebedko.
Given the fact that the leaders of the European Union show "understanding" geostrategic interests of Russia in Belarus for Belarusians does not matter who will be the "lead" in the pro-Moscow opposition. The results of actions (rather than rhetoric) and the second one the same - treacherous.
"Our coalition has sought to curb street protests after the election. For us, this is not important, and most importantly - it's fair elections ... "- issued a" secret "of A.Milinkevich shelving May 30 this year, during an interview with the Russian edition of the TV channel "Euronews" (TV channel hourly twisted interview two days, May 30 and 31. It can be seen in sp.Milinkevich Kholuy ecstasy forgot that this channel look and Belarus). A very precise determination of its true role in the process of social protest March 19-25.
A sample shelving of the same insidious policy demonstrated Lebedko October 25, 2006 during an online conference shelving at Radio Liberty. A fragment of an online conference (two questions and their answers A.Lyabedzka):
Question: "Mr. Lebedko! Even now it is well understood that no apzitsyyanera will not be not only in the election commissions, but i re-elected local councils. Why are you talking with his party in the elections, is not better in this case to declare impichmante so-called elections? "
Answer: "We are not in the selection, which in our country have long been simply does not. We go to a political campaign codenamed "local elections". If we consider it as an element of an overall plan aimed at effective action and concrete results, and use it as an opportunity to communication with people - it can be useful. And, as you say, "declare impichmente so-called elections," lie down on the sofa and make hands - this is the easiest way. But it can hardly be the right solution for people who really want to make a real political results, want change in the country. "
Question: "Greetings to you! Your personal opinion about Zenon Pozniak and his party CCP BPF? Why you can not share with Milinkevich received from the "west" money? How can you play into the hands of the regime, intending to participate in local elections? Did the KGB? "
Answer: "As for the local elections. You know, the biggest game - a game in the political project "boycott". Lie on the couch and do nothing. It's the game and it works on the arm yarkaz regime. What we offer: We do not offer to take part in local elections. Elections - when done counting, if there are real results of how people voted, and not considered as Ms. Yarmoshyna and its environment. For us it is a political campaign, and we are going there to work with people. I do not know another opportunity to activists of political parties in the evenings do not lie on the couch did not say some words about the Belarusian authorities, and went from door to door and worked. And I think that would be a great result if we expose the joint efforts of 1,000 candidates, who will gather for himself 300 thousand signatures and come nearly a million apartments where people shake hands and tell the truth about the political process over Dashkevich, Kozulin, shelving on missing people stolen in Belarus ... If you lie on the couch, then people will not know about this. It's hard work. Therefore, we are for the job. "
Now that Moscow openly declares its imperial pretensions to Belarus shelving and has set a target to complete the occupation in the short term, we need isolation of Lukashenko's regime in Belarus is that it is not done irreparable misfortune, not eliminated the sovereignty of Belarus. Crime is to organize participation in the declared local elections. Despite the fact that there is a possibility of joining shelving this election a referendum on the so-called constitutional act. To voters on election day January 14, 2007, contrary to the propaganda regime did not go to the polls, and came to the square of the capital required to consolidate the work of all the active forces gramadtva.Pry political conditions, which is now formed only organization active boycott, will stop the Russian aggression , discourage hunting Muscovites climb on Belarus with Russian ruble and the "constitutional act". shelving
"Discussions with Anton Shukeloytsem (PDF)
1. Belarusian Solidarity is a platform of the Belarusian Renaissance, ideological shelving form of communication between the Belarusians and the position of the fight against the occupation anti-Belarusian regime. Her deklyar

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