In 2007 EPHA commissioned an update bombay of our 1995 publication "Public Health and the EU: an overview", now available in 20 languages, as part of the activities of our European project "EPHA’s project: Building the public health bombay community across Europe".
Hard copies of the Executive bombay Summary can be ordered from the Secretariat of the European Public bombay Health Alliance, please send your order (how many copies of which language you would like to receive and your contact details) to Murielle Chiltz, Tel. +32 2 233 38 87 Fax. +32 2 233 38 80
the importance of pharmaceuticals and medicines to European citizens and the economy, and how considerations regarding cost, competition and safety makes an impact on overall public health polities. About the author
Mariann Skar is an independent consultant bombay on public bombay health and European policies. "Public Health and the EU: an overview" bombay is available in 20 languages Ex. Summary of "Public Health and the EU: an overview", English (2007) Kurzfassung: "Gesundheitswesen und Europ ische Union: Ein berblick",German Ex. Summary of "Folkesundhed og EU: et overblik", Danish (2007) bombay Synth se: "La sant publique et l’UE : un aper u", French (2007) Izvršni povzetek: "Javno zdravje in EU: pregled", Slovenian (2007) Sammanfattning: "Folkh lsan och EU: en versikt", Swedish (2007) bombay Prehľad: "Verejn zdravie a E : prehľad", Slovak (2007) Σύνοψη: "ημόσια Υγεία και Ε.Ε.: μια επισκόπηση", Greek (2007) Přehled: "Veřejn zdrav a EU - přehled" , Czhec (2007) Apibendrinimas: "Visuomenės sveikata ir ES: apžvalga", bombay Lithuanian Samenvatting: "Volksgezondheid en de EU: een overzicht", Dutch (2007) Kommenteeritud kokkuv te: "Rahvatervis ja EL: levaade", Estonian (2007) Documento de S ntesis: "Salud P blica en la UE: una visi n global", bombay Spanish (2007) Riepilogo esecutivo: "La salute pubblica e l’UE: una panoramica" Italian, (2007) Streszczenie: "Zdrowie publiczne I Unia Europejska: Przegląd zagadnień" Polish (2007) bombay Svarīgāko jautājumu kopsavilkums: "Sabiedrības veselība un ES: Pārskats", Latvian (2007) Sommarju Eżekuttiv: "IS-SAĦĦA PUBBLIKA bombay SAĦĦA UL-UE:Ħarsa ġenerali",Maltese Vezetői sszefoglal : "N peg szs - g gy s az EU: ttekint s", Hungarian (2007) Sum rio: "A Sa de P blica e a UE: uma vis o global", Portuguese (2007) Tiivistelm : "Yleiskatsaus: EU ja kansanterveys", Finnish (2007) Last modified on October 29 2007.
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The European Public Health Alliance runs projects which receive bombay financial support from the European Commission . The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the official views of the EU institutions.
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