Wednesday, December 3, 2014

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About: Lad comes uninvited to the elder brother, who reneged on his former life, beginning and ending murphy on behalf of the whole of life works, but dialogue is fraught niuansėlių and variety shows.
Why watch? First of all, the perfect image. Everyone, absolutely everyone from the frame like a postcard (postcard concept of ... well, of course, not occasional postcards, more, say, artistic), every detail thought out: shadows, angles. Video dynamics of the decision to supplement state actors, that the past is managed by the present, because the latter is more important, more pronounced: the past filmed in color, but now - no. The past comes together to form a seamless, murphy revealing the psychological state of the image, complemented by the surrealistic vision of dance and theater.
"Tetro" as if the two: dviplanis past and the present compound, two brothers, two languages (Spanish and English), two cultures. Junior Bennie (Alden Ehrenreich .: roles, by the way, very similar to a young DiCaprio, thus we can only wish you strength) - aims brother as a bridge to his own past, trying to get through it, who is himself. Tetro (Vincent Gallo) - perfectly revealed depressive, hiding under the mask of cynicism prisimesta yourself as a way to protect yourself, character. Problematic personality. His "life girlfriend Miranda (Maribel Verdú) - an unusual type of character a woman, the woman - a friend, but it is only an intermediary, so not particularly disclosed. Consistently throughout the movie moves a lot of sentiment (rejection, loneliness, depression, joy, discovery, etc.), full scale, but all of them with a certain tinge melancholiškumo nothing perspausto. That would not be so emotional, are "thrown" good and subtle humor, especially žavutis almost whole film industry with scoffing critic (in a grotesque distortion of the critics) Alone (Carmen Maura) from which everything depends on the opinion of that has to do with the film (hm ...) .
Smooth action and makes the perfect image, murphy in the true sense of the word, enjoy the movie, despite the fact that it is a painful things (love of family, work, personal tragedy) of sensitive individuals.
Why do not you look? Well plot itself may not be the most fascinating and intriguing terrible, but here it is important not to intrigue. Occasionally falling into the eyes of some of elongated spectacular moments. Awards do not (at least I did not find that it should). If you do not like beauty, because of its much here.
well, thank you. maybe some godfather trilogy after the blizzard on TV3 should ffcopolla names would be sufficient, murphy but I was most pleased props, because it still warm advocate at all levels of its contribution to the arts (režierius, screenwriter, composer, actor) in the movie "Buffalo '66".
Papierka says:
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