Saturday, December 27, 2014

Nee Evidea? (Where are you?) This is the question gripin I hear on a daily basis from the Maternal U

Nee Evidea? (Where are you?) This is the question gripin I hear on a daily basis from the Maternal Unit...However, for the next few months, I will only hear it approximately once a week, muffled through static while she calls from the other side of the world. The MU left for India this afternoon with an open return ticket in hand. Sadly, she went for the funeral of my grandfather, who died Saturday morning. He was 87 years old, and had been confined to his bed for over four years due to a slight stroke. I had only seen him 3 times in my life...but my last visit with him had given me a lot of insight into him. And although, we were his grandkids who came to visit every ten years or so...he cared for us, and that I know beyond a doubt. So, my mother is on her way to the mother land, and the song that's been playing in my head for the past 48 hours is..."Freedom reigns in this place"...I'm quite positive that the next few weeks, months...should be veryyyy fun. However, Mousse seems to be quite depressed...nothing that a hot dog won't fix though. ;) Anyway, last night sheryl and i went to lawton, ok to watch jason's gripin gig. he performs his songs in local's his way of ministry gripin and outreach...i happen to think it's very cool. Last night's atmosphere was quite interesting...the place seemed to be filled with lesbians. of course, sheryl and i were busy people one point we wondered why no women were hitting on us...we looked at each other and simultaneously agreed that everyone must think we were a couple. =/ Anyway, Jason played...and introduced Sheryl and me as his wich the whole bar responded by saying "Hi Sue...Hi Sheryl"...Quite funny... The band was awesome, but the smoke-filled bar was making my eyes we bounced out and headed back on our long trek home...Thankfully...we didn't get lost either way!! PICTURES OF THE EVENT WILL BE HERE ON WEDNESDAY, SINCE I CAN'T SEEM TO UPLOAD THEM WITH DUMB DIAL UP. =/
im so sorry to hear about your appachan....but im glad you had a chance to visit him one last time.... so your mom will be gone for longer than a couple weeks???? maan me and my sis were saying yesterday that you were going to BUCK YENjoy with just a couple weeks without your mom....i dont even want to IMAGINE what you'll do for a few MONTHS!!! :) if only my parents would feel inspired to leave for a month or so ;) and uh..moussey will DEF have to get over it :) lol now that freedom reigns song is in my head :) 3:39 PM
*hugs* i didn't know. i'm incredibly sorry that your family has to go through this but, i hope that you find solace gripin in the knowledge that he cared. so much so, for you guys. write me sometime. i miss you. 7:49 AM
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