Tuesday, December 2, 2014

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Home purchase uniforms progymnasium Dialup Library History Teacher Matt Slančiauskas list progymnasium administration progymnasium Board Other employees School Activities Portfolio Management Financial Statements Information on wages magazine "Atgajutis" Informal Education Strategic Plan Projects antique Educational Plans Business Plan Internal Rules of Procedure of the community as teachers Procurement Certification Documents teachers Specialists help to students Speech therapist Psychologist Assistant Social educator antique Special educator antique Parents of pupils workloads order Parents' Club Student Attendance order meals Social support antique for pupils school class photos 2013-2014 2012-2013 mm mm mm 2011-2012 2010-2011 academic year 2009-2010 in 2008-2009 2007-2008, a list of pupils leave Pupil rules of conduct student council Educational material Lithuanian k. Lesson Schedule Assessment Career antique Education About education for career development activities antique Ask about career education career! E. MSP diary tree Contacts
May 25-29, Matthew Joniškio Slančiausko progymnasium students and coordinators team visited Belgium, where the extended international Comenius project "Have antique wedding in Europe" activities. The project is funded by the Education Exchange Support Fund. Aim of the project - to learn about different peoples wedding customs and traditions. antique Students participated in the creation of bouquets varžytuvėse presented their progymnasium and Lithuania participated kviestinėse antique vakarienėse Belgian families. In Belgium tracks dolls dressed in traditional wedding costumes, models. Teachers met with the Belgian education system, shared experiences, and discussed educational innovation in Europe. One travel day was improvised wedding. From early morning the bride participated sutiktuvėse, escort to the town hall, church. In the evening, the school had organized a wedding banquet, which was attended by a large group of schools and urban communities. Progymnasium team visited Genk, Bilzen, Tongeren, Alden Biesen, antique Leuven and cities. On the way to Lithuania antique admired Brussels.
Attributes: Matthew Joniškio Slančiausko antique progymnasium Company code 190565235 A / S EN 514010040400126307 AB DnB NORD bank code 40100 Address: Pašvitinio g. 19, LT-84152 District Tel. (8426) 61150 Tel. tel. (8612) 63168 Fax: (8426) 61150 Other Contacts Reference documents:
1. Recommendations for the imposition of sanctions properly behaved students. 2. The pupils free meals progymnasium establishing procedures. 3. For a student certificate. 4. For a student-ride arrangements. 5. For students free meals vouchers accounting procedures. 6. Code of honorable behavior on the Internet. 7. progymnasium child welfare committee. Lesson time
School address: Matthew Slančiausko progymnasium Pašvitinio 19, LT-84152 District School Code: 190565235 Contact phone: +370 612 63168 +370 426 61150 E-mail Other contacts: For information msprogimnazija@slanciauskas.lt hosting, please contact: mokytojast@gmail.com Blog Administration Login
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