Yasar Noble: We attach great importance to the Company KPIs. To begin to answer the question what is KPI would be more accurate. All performance indicators can say. The reason why we give importance to follow our performance as a company, we aim to develop and grow the company at the same time.
YS: We can think departments based not only our company in general KPIs. Sales and profitability are the interests of the whole company KPIs. Apart from this, our department-based KPIs also available. For example, pre-tax profit and profitability in the financial section, the logistics parts inventory turnover, excess inventory, inventory loss, customer service call duration, number of calls, a lot of different KPIs such as waiting time available.
ANN: As you said, this is one of the most important KPIs in the KPI in both offline so OnlineAn. Sales KPIs of the number of customers tv shop is a combination of orders and average basket. If these variables are also a KPI in itself. To monitor the performance of our company at the beginning, as I said, the importance of developing the sales KPI is one of our main goals is great for us.
YS: I evidea.co 're tv shop close to the industry sector was an experience for up to 3.5 years. There is 90-95% of the KPIs we examine adaptive or similar to each other KPIs. But only e-commerce-specific KPIs are also available. Bounce rate (visitors who leave a page view), or visitors can give examples on how many pages the average tv shop visit the e-commerce KPIs.
YS: data transfer, such as online side is happening much faster than you might guess. In offline so clients should be followed in order to determine the time spent in the store a customer's store. It is not enough to do just that with a customer. 500-600 tv shop should be followed once the customer in the store so it can reach consistent results. E-commerce sector is a wide variety of data, allowing more and more to be done to easy measurement ..
ANN: What is the most important KPIs for your company to someone he would say the vast majority of sales or turnover If water. Maybe sales are going well, turnover is high but you have to ask how much profit in that? Purpose is to make money selling company KPIs alone so it does not make sense at this point. Someone else may indicate profitability as the most important KPI. Companies are not the snow but increased the number of sales or customers. Likewise, wherein alone is not sufficient profitability KPIs. In summary, no meaningful KPIs are not alone. It is a whole, seem to support each other.
ANN: You must not be a situation like that better than the target under normal conditions. As in every sector are expected continuous growth in e-commerce. Our goals for our rapidly growing olabilme better in this area, we need to continuously revised.
YS: KPIs, daily, weekly, monthly tv shop and yearly analysis we examine. Financial data, data on the site, logistics data, gathered data in a single repository of customer service that is accessible and processed raw data to a number of consequences.
YS: continuous speculations going on in the e-commerce sector. Turkey's withdrawal from the market Rocket Internet, e-commerce as a result of the closure tv shop of some firms balloon Have questions asked. tv shop The idea here is to provide added value of any business will benefit both the company and the customer. tv shop The market continues to grow. Customers tend to shop online. Disturbingly e-commerce sector tv shop will continue to grow.
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Marketing is an MA student at Istanbul University. Digital marketing, e-commerce, web analytics are areas of interest. Currently Turkish origin in the company developed the first web analytics programs is working as a marketing tv shop and communications specialist. The flute is the side separation is indispensable passion.
10 Marketing Forecast 2015 [Infografik]
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