Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This week was the birthday of the son of a good friend. MEET 2 years and it takes very little to my

I've always liked making desserts, but recently I discovered fondant and I enjoy making cakes with fondant well. I do not have much time, but take special mattresses occasions to practice and learn more. I decided to make this blog to be leaving photos of my creations.
This week was the birthday of the son of a good friend. MEET 2 years and it takes very little to my child. When I told him if he could make a cake for the birthday of Pocoyo me thrilled. Here is the photo.
2014 (7) August (4) February (3) 2013 (17) November (4) September (1) Pocoyo July (3) June (1) May (1) April (7 )

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