Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cover Stories Horror bar stools Issue AC Rogue/Unity Battleborn bar stools Far Cry 4 Advanced Warfar

jmpittman860220 commented on Gimmick's post about re: Eight Video Game Characters That Kind Of Look Alike .
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You may have read in my previous blog about my experience with EA Access. As part of that program, I am currently enjoying my time getting aquainted with FIFA 14. I have limited knowledge of the game, although I have followed bar stools it for a while. bar stools The rules have never been something that I have spent the time to learn and have always seemed complicated. That being said, I have been wanting to play a FIFA game for a few years now. I see many of my friends playing it and figured this was the perfect opportunity bar stools to play. After spending time doing the skill tests and starting a career, I'm left wondering...
 As I mentioned earlier, I have never played a soccer video game before. I have limited knowledge of the actual bar stools rules governing the sport and know very little outside of Olympics, World Cup and Manchester United (The David Beckham Years). I have to admit, bar stools this game is quite intimidating!
I started my experience by performing all of the skill challenges. I have completed most of them as high as I can go. Even though I've bar stools completed them, I still felt that I had no real grasp of how to string these things together into a match. "Fear not!" I told myself, and I jumped into Career Mode. After creating my Gameface (what a nightmare!) I got started right away. I made sure to select bar stools easy/novice and chose to control only my character. After my first match, I had commited approximately 12 offside penaties, managed to score once (by accident) and aquired a yellow card. After the match, I was put on loan to what I can only imagine is a second or third tier team. After two matches playing with this team, I get the feeling that my AI teammates are actively trying to keep me from touching the ball. Argh!!!
I've watched some Youtube videos about how to get better at FIFA. I even watched a video the Offsides rule. I can honestly say that I'm enjoying my time in the game and will get better with time. I can also see how this game would frustrate new players and possibly turn them off. Perhaps a tutorial would be beneficial to new players, or something simply explaining the rules when I break them. I'm not sure, but the game seems to be set up for mid-level to expert players.
All of this has left me wondering if new Madden or NBA2K players experience the same overwhelming learning curve. I have been playing Madden and NBA games for 20+ years. This, added to my intimate knowledge of those games, means I can practically play them in my sleep.
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