Thursday, September 25, 2014

5) They dated 11.24.10 filed a complaint requesting written information of overtime that were made

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The Officer Personnel Officer CGT and Prevention Montajes company Babcock has been fired is proposed salon to send bulk faxes of solidarity with "Stop persecution against trade union CGT delegates." Local CGT federation Tarragona | For Kaosenlared | 10-1-2011 las 8:29 | 821 readings | 1 Comment Montajes Hamas-Share:
1) That since filed a complaint to the Labour Inspectorate dated 10/27/09, so we cited appear dated 11/13/09, salon the result of which was that sanctioned the company for INFRACOTITZACIÓ TO SOCIAL SECURITY, report salon issued 15.12.009, was subjected to a full persecution and extreme vigilance.
2) That date 05/26/10 they put a penalty for exercising their union activity and that is challenged salon in court, but given the slowness of the judicial system has not yet indicated or trial date.
3) That dated 09.09.10 filed a complaint requesting payroll employees to check the amounts paid by way of diet and Plus Mobility shift and to present them in labor inspection for lack of contribution Social Security.
4) That, as retaliation, the payroll-October 2010, the company stopped paying diet and Mobility Plus Displacement solely Personnel Officer.
5) They dated 11.24.10 filed a complaint requesting written information of overtime that were made in the company by virtue of Art. 29 of the Convention.
6) On 13/12/10 he opened proceedings contradictory: a) managers reported that the company had repeatedly lift a worker above the ground to a height of several meters within a pulley WITH BOILER. And the company said it was a joke. b) by an anonymous unsigned according to the company that has made our delegate and is posted on a bulletin board locked that only has access to the company. c) a series of imaginary vandalism.
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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Irn: The destiny of the capitalist system is caer Cuba crossroads (3): The Right to love Cuba but regardless of sexual orientation Rosell: "Los quiero parados them miniempleos 400 euros more "The day laborers andaluces darn una respuesta contundente salon Don Cayetano UPyD defiende no one may get" meter at the very saco "Amaiur and that the PIDE ilegalizar coalition [VIDEO] flotilla from Miami Democracy: Media advocating salon a criminal at the international rate facilities and present a criminal complaint against prevaricacin by Judge Eloy Velasco of the Audiencia Nacional
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