Thursday, September 4, 2014

Culture, food - in China it

Remigija Paulikaitė
"Finally, I travel to Shanghai like home" - after the winter holidays with the family made returning to China, Lithuania smiling actress Spruce Aukštakalnytė-Hansen (39). No one lived in the world the artist admits that in this country it was hard to fit in anywhere else.
"I have traveled made a lot, lived in different worlds, but in China the first time I experienced culture shock - I felt mestelėta back in time to the Soviet order, - admits Spruce. Shanghai and a half years ago she found herself on a man working Soren Hansen. - Ten hit the perceived difficulty made of human life, the logic of thinking. "
Culture, food - in China it's different. made In addition, I felt the language barrier. If the insolvent Chinese, there're not interested in anyone else, the Chinese do not see any need for you to devote time and attention - not once experienced Lithuanian. - If you stopped on the street by taxi Mandarin not say where they want to go and will not have the address leaflet signed up for the hieroglyphs, the driver will not pull you. "
Adapt to a new country was difficult and because of Kenya, where he lived the traveling family stuff waiting for half a year. "For made eight years were spent in Africa. We found friends. Loved the land. And suddenly, everything had to leave - the black continent still yearns for Spruce. - Faced with the Shanghai puzzled looks, so I went, the more I created a new home, but you are still here! We will invite a housewife, and she cleans the cloth and one toilet, and a kitchen table. In addition, there is teaching me how to manage everyday life. And it did not say anything! "Egle relieved when agreed to come to Africa all the time they worked made for Rose. Dark-skinned woman from Kenya in Shanghai as well as in shock, as she felt that the Chinese do not value African. Many of the natives, the first time he saw a black man, not feeling the limits will go into the eyes, want to touch ...
Initially, China Fir saw only negative things. Therefore could not bring myself to study and Mandarin. Only discovered in himself confessed that without it there to disappear, cease to recognize the people and culture. American International School of Shanghai visiting her son Mike to go into the Mandarin language began immediately. Four times a week, learn to speak, write hieroglyphs and Pinyin - standard Chinese language transcription made of the Roman alphabet. The house comes educator who teaches the boy additionally helps to understand the Mandarin language and spruce. made Shanghai - China's largest and the world's seventh largest city. According made to the Spruce, it's a nice, fun, a lot of what offers the city. Hansen's family rented a house in the eastern part - famous modern skyscrapers of Pudong. In search of a place where the air is cleaner, located in the remote district of foreigners. From the house to the city center - a good half-hour's drive away. Mike rides the bus to school an hour.
No city makes an interesting place and the people. At Spruce sure pleased that Shanghai already have girlfriends assertions. In fact, had several Lithuanian community. With a number of fellow made countrymen who came here a few Spruce made liaise together mini Lithuanian holidays. Another surprise was the Lithuanian roots with other nations. "One of my best friends - a Lithuanian Canadian made maiden name Vaitkunas! Our neighbor - an American whose grandmother was Lithuanian photography school ... Miko taught Lithuanian speaking an American psychologist - Canadian, a Lithuanian blood - Spruce impressed that China has agreed to our roots and with the people. - Last year, he worked as a teacher of physical education degree Lithuanian Leon! I want to go to Shanghai to Kenya would bring their photo exhibition. Looking to her exhibit. I really like the gallery run by Americans, whose grandfather - Lithuanian! The first time I say that I am from Lithuania, causing a lot of emotions, because many were not there. "
China Fir remembered his profession made - acting. Laughing it - a coincidence. She, like other Westerners in China atvažiavusios on the work of the spouses do not want to be known as just a housewife. They are all educated, often chatting about the meeting in a career. "Because the other boasting of what appear to be, I'm also told that I am an actress. Started talking to a buddy that pasisiūlyčiau our children at school to teach drama - Spruce discloses discovered activities. - Encourage them to school sent a resume and truly I was invited to work! As a huge class, made but there's drama - one of the optional subjects, teachers need help. I

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