Saturday, September 6, 2014

* Gus Hansen - the only player to win four WPT titles. * In 2003, took part in the poker room Poker

Gus Hansen was born in 1974. February 13. In Denmark, the city of Copenhagen. bedroom From an early age Gus in sports: playing tennis bedroom and football. Another school Gus`ui most liked mathematics, it is not surprising that one of his favorite games was "backgammon". Over time, it has become one of the best players and moved to New York. Regularly playing he met Huck Seed and Phil Laak, and that led him to the world of poker.
His first tournament Gus Hansen play in 1996. Unfortunately fell on the first day. Prior to this tournament is usually played stud poker, and Texas Hold'em No Limit it was quite a new experience. In 1998, Gus realized bedroom that he begins to succeed in poker still better than backgammon, it starts to play poker very diligently, almost forgetting Nardus. From 1998 to 2002, and trained by Gus tried to find their style of play. His main style of play - aggressive. From 2002 to 2005, Hansen participated in many tournaments and won the same number of first places in major world tournaments. In 2005, Gus pointed to the cash games in online poker, and it is to learn how to play it on Full Tilt Poker.
After becoming a living poker legend Gus opened his own online poker school, where each player can ask questions and participate in the same discussion with Gus Hansen. In addition, he released bedroom a series bedroom of DVDs, which teaches no limit Texas Hold'em game. Gus is always bedroom willing to talk and give advice to new poker players.
February 21, 2009, the day of the poker players captured the attention of an extraordinary spectacle, completely unrelated to the game of poker. Two contestants: Gus Hansen and Theo Jorgensen had to clarify the relationship between the boxing ring. Under the agreement, if Hansen win, he won $ 25,000, if you defeat bedroom the opponent, Gus would have to pay him $ 35,000. Unfortunately this challenge Hansen lost.
Gus Hansen is certainly an extraordinary world of poker celebrity. It's a great athlete who is interested in very different occupations. Poker professionals gave him the nickname "The Great Dane" (Lith. Dogge). Gus Hansen depends on Full Tilt team.
* Gus Hansen - the only player to win four WPT titles. * In 2003, took part in the poker room founded, which was later sold to Betfair firm for $ 15 million. * 2004 was marked Poker Walk of Fame. * He published an autobiography "Every Hand Revealed". In this book, he analyzes bedroom the same for each of 329 hands. * In 2004, came the "people" elected sexiest men in the world Top 50 * Gus Hansen is a Danish clothing bedroom company faces. bedroom * In his spare time, when not playing poker tournaments, Gus Hansen participating in ongoing Bellagio Big Game "where playing 13 different kinds of poker with the best poker professionals. * He comments the poker competitions Danish and American TV. * During the game likes to listen to U2, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Dire Straits, David Bowie, Bob Marley, The Beatles, Bad Religion.
The biggest gains Tournament Date Place Winning 2002 WPT $ 10,000 No Limit Hold'em - Final, Las Vegas 2002 1. On $ 556.460 2003 WPT $ 10,000 No Limit Hold'em Championship, Los Angeles 2003 1 in the WPT $ 532.490 in 2003, No Limit Hold ' Em, Bad Boys of Poker in Las Vegas 2003 1 in 2003 $ 25,000 WPT $ 10,000 No Limit Hold'em Championship in Las Vegas 2003 3 2004 WPT $ 276.426, $ 7.500 No Limit Hold'em, Caribbean 2004 1 $ 455.780 bedroom $ 400.000 Grand Final Poker Superstars Invitational Tournament 2005 WPT $ 1 1,000,000 in 2005, $ 9.750 Championship Event - No Limit Hold'em, San Jose 3 2005 $ 320,000 A $ 10,000 Main Event 2007 Aussie Millions in Melbourne 2007 WPT $ 1 1,192,919 in 2008, $ 25,000 No Limit Hold'em - Championship Event in Las Vegas in 2008 1,714,800 $ 2 Poker News is poker information portal. Lithuanian law prohibits the advertising of poker, so if you're in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania you must leave this page. Failure to comply with this requirement, you assume all responsibilities and consequences resulting from it yourself.

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