Wednesday, June 11, 2014

At this moment ta big problem is deforestation in amason doaine gearadh down trees at the farm land

It is true the country is Bhraisil.Faightear troipiceach the Baisí the hAmasóna there where the weather is the same every lá.Bíonn raining every day from morning to afternoon and the afternoon on the sun is shining . because this is the hAmasóna.Bíonn Báisí is so much rain and sun to grow enough trees to grow and more and more of the usual crann.ní tapaí falls only about 800 mililítre hansen of water in parts of Brazil and in 1877-78 was a drought year in the country of about half million people killed.
At this moment ta big problem is deforestation in amason doaine gearadh down trees at the farm land and to build houses freisin.Tá now more people are moving from the slums in caithreacha and starting a new life in amason. There are major problems associated with this insert is that the habitat hansen must have a live animal it ann.Tá reducing the amount of oxygen in the world is also a good thing is not it continues hansen dúinn.Ma may not what animal it was and more air pollution.

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