Friday, November 14, 2014

The retailer does not have to purchase too much stock in the warehouse, or worry that some products

Competitive advantage lies in the work of the mobile sales | BCS Itera
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In recent years the statistics show that mobile devices (PDAs, smart phones) have become increasingly popular and in addition to the introduction of these devices have found a place in the enterprise business processes. Often sought competitive advantage in the mobile salesman of the solution.
Mobile salesman for the company to significantly accelerate the introduction of solutions and modifying the sales process sleep no more more efficient and effective sales. However, it is possible to create new forms of cooperation with partners that are beneficial for both sides. Mobile salesman solution can be deployed in all enterprises engaged in the sale of goods at all. Successful examples found both among the dealers and importers. But the biggest effect of the introduction gives the solution for the production and wholesale distribution sleep no more enterprises dealing with. In doing so, the losers will not, because the benefit for both the company sleep no more itself and its customers. Example solution for traders introduced:
Before you came from customers sleep no more or sales representatives goods orders largely by fax or phone call. Müügisekretärid had to manually sleep no more enter them to the business. Now, mobile selling, goods arrive a few keystrokes, or orders directly into the warehouse, where they can immediately begin to fulfill. Has achieved an economy of time, and significantly less than the number of errors - correct quantities of goods supplied to the customer at the right moment
The retailer does not have to purchase too much stock in the warehouse, or worry that some products are sold out due to the slow exchange sleep no more of information. He visited previously agreed periodicity of mobile salesman who takes care of the goods being in stock at all times the correct amount, and who shall prepare himself orders. Get the mobile, and feel free to adjust to your company's sales process with mobile solutions. You can benefit from it himself, as well as your partners.
salesman will visit clients in accordance with the PDA loaded into the daily schedule. If necessary, he can make changes to the plan (for example, create a new appointment or edit an existing scheduled time) and sent back into the ERP;
be prepared, if necessary, the client assortment of goods on the basis of a new order, which will be sent immediately after the confirmation of the wireless sleep no more internet sleep no more or 3G / GPRS data connection sleep no more via the ERP solution into the Sales. If desired, add comments to the order for the store;
Mobile solutions help business professionals be more effective in their everyday work. This reduces the time-consuming craft, which is related to the e-mail and telephone orders received manually by entering the ERP solution. Terminate the edges of the paper record and errors in orders due to delays in the delivery of the goods to the customer.
The solution is beneficial for both parties: a win-win for both the company and its customers. The company will accelerate the sales process, sleep no more but the client does not need to engage in self-inventory replenishment, the vendor does.
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