Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dr. Alden says that it was a small kindness, such as a small gift delivery, transportation to work

After graduating from college and have moved to New York, Hannah Brencher felt anxious furniture online and depressed. She no longer wanted to be among other people and communicate with someone. Then she began to write love letters to strangers and palikinėti them in different areas of the city, writes the BBC. The first letter, which left it on the train, read: "If you find this message, then it is for you." From that time it leaing letters furniture online libraries, coffee shops and even on the United Nations building. She says that she has ceased to feel sad and lonely.
Hannah and her "More Love Letters" campaign is one of the ever increasing number of organizations devoted to highlight the merits of the actions of random kindness. While this may seem like an ordinary new age nonsense, but research shows that being a good and pleasant improves mental health. The study, published in the journal Emotion "shows that good works may help people with social anxiety feel better.
Dr. Lynn Alden and Dr. Jennifer Trew from the University of British Columbia asked for volunteers who suffer from social anxiety, perform good deeds or actions of two times a week for four consecutive weeks.
Dr. Alden says that it was a small kindness, such as a small gift delivery, transportation to work something out, visiting furniture online the sick or even a thank the bus driver. Although it was the goodness of these actions were not large, but they had a big impact.
Dr. Alden says that good works can be therapeutic step in the long road. However, it warns that the good performance of work or forced to make an impression furniture online on others, may not have any effect.
This is the most common anxiety disorder; This disorder is more common in women than in men and usually begins during adolescence; People are afraid that the social situation say something shameful, which tries to avoid such situations; Social anxiety symptoms: frequent flushing, sweating, shaking, heart rate tachycardia, muscle tension, upset stomach.
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