US President Barack Obama (Barac Obama) on Saturday issued a sympathy which writes that Neil Armstrong was one of the greatest American heroes of all time, inspired levin furniture an entire generation of stars to achieve: "Neil was among the greatest of American heroes - not only your time but also of all time" - says Obama's sympathy.
Spacecraft Apollo 11 commander N.Armstrongas together with astronaut Edvinas Oldrinu 1969 on 20 July. landed on the moon. N.Armstrongas first then took a cab from space and said the famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Neil Alden Armstrong was born in 1930. August 5 modest Stefano and Violas Armstrong family Vapakoneto small town in Ohio. Nile was only 2 years old when he first saw the plane. And then his heart arose did indomitable passion - fly burning lifetime. Already when he was seven years old Nile began to work. Being a 15-year Armstrong began attending classes in the northern flying Vapakoneto airport. I had to pay $ 9 for one hour of training. For these learning opportunities Nile earn the same money while working various jobs. Aviopiloto Nile received sixteen-year license before driving privileges. Nile room has always been a closed book about aviation and aircraft drawings.
- Nile has always levin furniture been extremely modest and quiet man. Silence is his usual style of communication. If it sways head or simply smiling, this is a live conversation. If he says "yes" - means the conversation has become wildly. Well if he says no he means bitterly contested. It took him three years to invite me first date. When he proposed, I immediately agreed, because I was afraid that this phrase replay will need to wait a few more years ... "- told the Nile Armstrong wife Zanetti.
Nile in California seven years working flight test. He flew very well. So well that he was entrusted with expensive fighter pilot "X-15" copy. With this fighter Nile could rise so high that the sky overhead was completely black. Then they lived with Zanetti ranger 'cozy cottage in the mountains at the foot of San Gabriel. His friends and fellow pilots shrugged their shoulders not understanding what makes him such a hit to the dead. There he buried her little daughter and still loved his two urchins. Fishing, listening to music, felt the spiritual freedom and life satisfaction. Nile never thought about glory. Statement on application procedures, NASA astronauts was a surprise to everyone.
Armstrong was originally a simple civilian instructor, levin furniture and later began training himself. One workout he remained alive only by a miracle by the head of the aircraft uncontrollable. Then all amazed levin furniture at his composure.
In August 1965, Armstrong was Gordon Cooper "zemin-5 Commander reserves and in the middle of March 1966 flew zemin-8 together with Deividas Scots. They were first merged with unmanned missile Adžena. However, levin furniture they found it difficult to separate from these missiles. Spacecraft became uncontrollable and Houston gave the command for emergency return to Earth. It was the largest zemin program failure.
After a year and a half Neil Armstrong was appointed spacecraft Apollo 8 astronaut Frank Bormann reserves. Of this mission was to fly around the moon. Then N.Armstrongui fly lost. During the first people seeing the second half of the Moon then became Frank Bormann (Frank Borman), the main module Captain levin furniture James Lovely (James Lovell) and the lunar module leader William Anders (William Anders).
Which left us thinking about some Space Hero Nila Olden Armstrong once again remember farther into the past of leaving one of the most significant events in the history of mankind - the first moments of people land on the moon.
Preparing for the Apollo 11 flight was long, difficult and dangerous. 21 January 1967. Apollo-1 spacecraft during testing a fire broke out and tragically killed three astronauts. In the same year, working with the Moon cab model to a serious crash randomly levin furniture and N.Armstrongas the rickety cabin simulator has become unmanageable and began to fall. Nile from its katapultavosi at 60-70 meters to the ground. Thank God already resulted parachute. All this is seen surprise, after only a few minutes after the event, Armstrong returned in cold blood and calm with all discussed the incident. Simulator, costing $ 2.5 million broken to pieces.
Kennedy protrusion in Florida in June 1969 were seething shake like a beehive. The future of NASA celebration sugužėjo many invited guests and uninvited ... about a million tourists. 120 kilometers in hotels, leaving not a single free bed. We had even lower basin water to the bottom of their beds can be built. Lingered in the air waiting. In Florida attracted glances plain visible from a distance of carrier rockets on a three-tier majestically
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