Tuesday, November 18, 2014

App client

App expands the merchant's business around the world | BCS Itera
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The fact that in 2013, each person in your business can be carried in the pocket, and to enter into any minute shopping caning to do, it seemed a few years ago ulmekirjandusena. caning Smartphones have made a tremendous difference in consumer buying caning behavior, information gathering and the like. Especially in the retail sector received a major boost in the targeted phone apps - App'id. They link the physical and digital world by helping merchants to be available to consumers 24/7. So all sorts of web and smartphone applications are an integral part of the competitive jaekaubandusäri. App'id seize power in the retail industry
Currently, more than half of the cases of entry to the Internet via smartphones already. Visa predicts that the coming years will be 50% with a transfer from the mobile and retail trade survey (eDigitalResearch May 2011) showed that a year ago was 12% of purchases via mobile App'ide. 52% of consumers in the United States declares that making purchases caning using a mobile phone for help. PayPal predicts that by 2016 we will not have anymore money bags and debit cards. Thus, tomorrow's winners will be those who understand search engine optimization caning (SEO) and online marketing / sales channel and the importance of the consumer's desire to buy whatever, wherever, and whatever caning the time.
The previous Business-IT magazine wrote at length motion multi-Channel retailing environment where mobile App'id is definitely one of the fastest growing channels. US consumer has always been a pioneer in conjunction global trends in consumer caning behavior. Thus, the important fact is that the Report is the Mobile caning Shopping caning survey will grow over 25% per annum in the number caning of consumers who use online shopping retail stores in the US App'e. In particular, the US has been an explosion of mobile sooduskupongiäri, deal alerts in English, which mediates the App store shopping specials, if you're out there moving. Given that the Internet generation reaches adulthood, will grow significantly App'e using online channels and the number of active users. App needs to create experiences
App client's caning perspective, the ultimate goal to create an experience. In other words, a marketer's job is to make them most useful for adding caning and updating them with new levels of use of each customer caning relationship. Seller will, however, increase in efficiency, losing manpower simple data exchange process and make the purchase process caning easy. App via the customer may receive an attractive offer, choose the appropriate product and subscribe to its transport. caning To simplify, the loyalty caning card app like 20 years ago, but much larger facilities. An example is the Starbucks App, which you can find the nearest cafe, you can choose recipes to create them yourself, pay incentives, etc.
Many smaller retail stores näevadki income purely mobile payments, saving cash and kaardimakse- costs. Distimo study found that 91% of the leading global brands, there is also a mobile application. An interesting caning fact is that 18 months earlier study of the same figure was only 51% marks. This clearly refers to the selling chain processes and rapid changes. However, the study also evaluated the different platforms popularity App'ide k

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