Monday, January 12, 2015

From the Buddhist concept of the universe and of life, the life on Earth and throughout the solar s

Affectionate amount established furniture warehouse by: the Ministry of Africans at that age support, stature uncertain, or tall, or humble little, then with half the amount from the elbow three cubits. East adjoin mention blame, stature decided in tandem from the elbow three cubits and a half the amount, but the tall body. Rudong adjoin mention blame, Qu Tuo case of West Nepal, North Island stature also arrested Lu Seoul, cardioversion tall. ......
Life Created by: Ministry of Africans that age support, indefinite life amount. He who in the 30th night of January, December was a year old. Or for a time, life immeasurable furniture warehouse years old, or at a time, eight long live life; or for a time, decreasing the amount of life and even ten years old. East adjoin put blame people, decide the amount of two hundred and fifty-year-old life. West Qu Tuo Nepalese people decide furniture warehouse the amount of five hundred life. North Africans arrested Lu, Shou amount decided Chitose. ......
Mentioned above our world race (age support the Ministry of Island people) different heights in different historical periods, furniture warehouse sometimes big, sometimes small, but the proportion of the body is "half the amount from the elbow three cubits." Various periods of life are not the same, and sometimes extremely long life, and sometimes short-lived to 10 years old. Visible Earth in a very long historical period of great ethnic differences and changes.
From now known research point of view, in ancient times (such as the age of dinosaurs), the Earth's atmosphere furniture warehouse is very thick, the oxygen content is now several times, have grown extremely large creatures, furniture warehouse such as animals, plants dinosaur furniture warehouse era, even insects are particularly large. This and other relevant, if at that time the existence of human beings, at the time the oxygen-rich environment, the race is not surprising tall.
Buddhist sutras, human life is gradually furniture warehouse reduced during the robbery reduction, but is continuously changing, but a walk down the stairs to a higher level, as "the Agama" records, minus robbery period, every period, the child generation than their parents half. Humans had eight long live the high life, and the last period there destiny is old, and in that era that married women born five months.
This life, height, period decreased physiological reasons, from the deep is the result of good and evil karma; and from the phenomenon, it may be periodic (with respect to changes in the robbery for a smaller back into bad Circle) climate and geological upheaval caused. In these one stage a stage disaster, natural environment also will be a step by step turn bad, which leads to deterioration in the climate of each period after humans, can not match the first one during the person's lifetime.
Spread around the world flood this thing is a climatic deterioration in vivid representatives. I remember reading a book called "flying snakes and dragons", furniture warehouse which restored the pre-Flood climatic conditions according to the description Sumerian mythology and the Bible - oxygen and water vapor in the air several times now, cloud steaming fog around (Sumerian Seoul slate records that the sun was covered her face), the Four Seasons is not clear, the temperature constant. Earth's water concentrated in the north and south polar ice and the atmosphere. The majority of the land area, is extremely lush vegetation, so the food hearty. But I do not know the movement of celestial bodies, or why, the Earth's climate changes caused by the floods, as described in the Sumerian stone is the "water from the sky and the earth," shows that the Earth's climate is disturbed, leading to disturbances in the atmosphere leads to Heavy cyclone heavy rain and melting polar glaciers, the sea life, there is a major flood.
After the great flood described in Sumerian myth "sun exposed its face", showing drastically reduced atmospheric moisture people only see the sun exposure, and the climate is dry, and the original is a lot of forest into a desert next door (for example, The Sahara is the last forest), four seasons of growth environment deterioration (crops, furniture warehouse and in the past are now able to live not live), sea level rise (reduced land area), furniture warehouse drowning many civilizations (making continuous human experience loss). These changes, making the disaster after surviving life expectancy is lower than the predecessors.
Modern popular theory of biological evolution, resulting in the mainstream scientific community does not meet the exclusion of all evidence of this theory. According to information disclosed many, many archaeological evidence and geological evidence of prehistoric civilizations were deliberately excluded, not even giving publish research findings, the researchers were threats and pressure (see "archaeological zone" of foreign works), such examples abound.
Buddhist scriptures often use "robbery" concept to describe the history of mankind, instead of "Tsumoru" This digital unit, it shows "Billion" is not a measure of "robbery" in length. The so-called "One Less robbery" of the long time, I am afraid to use "XXX billion years" to describe all wrong. Immemorial been nearly so long, what's also older than the age of the dinosaurs. The large body of evidence which has been forgotten.
If ancient humans widely practiced cremation, burial and not implemented, it will not leave the bones, many civilizations have implemented cremation rather than burial. Among the reasons of faith - do not want people to death soul nostalgia flesh, burned corpses soul wanted nothing to worried about another foot on a journey. Archaeological excavations to the ancient ruins, and some proved to be highly developed civilization furniture warehouse that time, perhaps much more profound awareness of life than it is now, so it is likely to choose cremation.
Just think, furniture warehouse if the global environment was enough to make people live food to mouth in days is in bed for a comfortable day, why should strenuous manufactured furniture warehouse stone "relic"? I always feel more sinister popular, the more harsh environment, the proliferation of agony, humanity will toss - to withstand harsh environments and nest, for the construction of fortifications against each other, and pray for God to create the temple. furniture warehouse These really are not "civilized" relics, and at best considered relics furniture warehouse "change barbaric" process.
From the Buddhist concept of the universe and of life, the life on Earth and throughout the solar system and all the galaxies, all dimensions, not the individual closed system, but an open interoperable systems. For example, the Buddhist scriptures speak of Sumeru, twenty-eight days, the sea, the human four continents, countless small Island, iron Daweishan concept, in fact, is the relationship between mode of life in some way and metaphorical description of the universe - close laminated, organic whole interconnected. Presumably ancient civilization in a period of life is mutual exchanges between the planet. All kinds of information disclosure of evidence in humans and aliens already proved furniture warehouse long ago, humans on Mars, the Moon and other regions, perform spatial furniture warehouse and temporal movement is very possible.
In the legend of the various nations of the world, the Giants are almost indispensable role. From Greek mythology, "Odyssey" Cyclops Lane hero Ulysses encountered on the island, the Brothers Grimm in "Jack and the giant pea" until there's Gulliver's Travels "Brobdingnag" many, many many stories describing life in this giant. After the eighteenth century, with the development of modern anthropological studies, this type of legend gradually disappeared, and now everyone says these are just tales, can not believe everything. However, from a number of archaeological fossils found on the Giants, people can not help rethink, "Legend" is just a legend?
Dr. Cabrera Peru began to study the stone from 一九 六 ICA's, in his private museum collection of stone ICA 11,000 pieces of stone. The collection at the museum, Dr. Cabrera stones, presumably based on thousands of years of history, carved with many incredible picture. In these pictures, we can clearly see the situation of people living with dinosaurs, dinosaur like a domestic animal, or when people domesticated animals. Scientists believe that as early as in more than one hundred million years ago, dinosaurs disappeared, then these pictures furniture warehouse who is carving furniture warehouse up?
Engraved on a stone in which a picture of a frightened man is a Tyrannosaurus (Tyrannosaurus Rex) chased, he was afraid to get ahead. The Tyrannosaurus furniture warehouse with what we see in the movie "Jurassic Park" (Jurassic Park) Tyrannosaurus is the same, is a dinosaur standing, very sturdy legs, and hands in front of small and short, looks like It is not commensurate with the huge volume.
No matter what an idea is right, the conclusion was equally astounding. Because these stones carved picture too puzzling, how would draw a dinosaur furniture warehouse with people together? And then look at another furniture warehouse piece of stone, furniture warehouse carved top is a Triceratops (Triceratops). This dinosaur looked like a giant rhinoceros, with three angle head derives its name. Ituri carved a person riding in the back of Triceratops, like hand waving an ax like weapon. In another furniture warehouse stone head, we also saw a man riding on the back of pterosaurs. Almost more famous dinosaur types have appeared in these stone carvings in A

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